Dayton Daily News

Crackdown on hate speech spreads

Cloud hosting services are reconsider­ing their responsibi­lities.

- By Tony Romm and Elizabeth Dwoskin

The tech industry’s crackdown on content from right-wing users spread this week from social media platforms to behind-the-scenes companies that don’t typically take on free speech issues, a sign of heightened aggressive­ness ahead of a planned far-right gathering this weekend inspired by the riots in Charlottes­ville, Va.

Microsoft, which provides cloud services that host websites, on Thursday threatened to cease hosting an alt-right leaning social network called after a user posted comments that threatened Jewish people with “ritual death by torture.” The content, Microsoft said, “incites violence, is not protected by the First Amendment” and violated company policies.

Microsoft then issued an ultimatum: Gab must remove the posts or Microsoft would terminate the site’s access to its cloud service, called Azure. Gab ultimately complied.

The demand appeared to mark the latest escalation by tech giants to strike the right balance between facilitati­ng free speech and combating hateful, abusive or violent content online.

“We believe we have an important responsibi­lity to ensure that our services are not abused by people and groups seeking to incite violence,” Microsoft said.

Gab did not respond to an email seeking comment. Andrew Torba, the founder of Gab, wrote in a post they’re seeking a new hosting provider and considerin­g how to build “our own infrastruc­ture.”

“We believe this was the best decision for the longevity of the platform and the war against Silicon Valley,” he wrote.

The threat of censorship by a cloud provider is more unusual than removals by sites such as Facebook and YouTube of content that violates their policies. One such high-profile case came this week, when Facebook, Apple, YouTube and others deleted years of content from conservati­ve conspiracy site InfoWars. Cloud-hosting services, which are less visible, tend to take a more neutral stance on a content than social networks like Facebook and YouTube, which have policies on behavior and teams of moderators.

As neo-Nazi rallies in Charlottes­ville demonstrat­ed last year, tech platforms can serve as both organizing tools and catalysts for violence. Alt-right groups initially tried to use Facebook to coordinate their efforts at the “Unite the Right” rally, and sites like the Daily Stormer praised the death of a counter-protester who was killed. In response, tech companies faced immense pressure to rethink their policies and take down the offending content.

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