Dayton Daily News



■ President Donald Trump’s response to Sen. John McCain’s death has been closely watched. After flags at the White House were lowered to half-staff over the weekend, the flags were raised to full-staff Monday morning. That brought complaints from both right and left and the America Legion. Later Monday afternoon, the White House flags were lowered to half-staff. Although common practice has been to keep the flag lowered for a few days for a member of the Senate, U.S. Flag Code states that flags be lowered “on the day of death and the following day for a Member of Congress.”

■ McCain will be buried on a grassy hill at the U.S. Naval Academy Cemetery in Annapolis, right next to a lifelong friend, Chuck Larson, himself an admiral and ally. The senator selected the out-of-the-way spot over Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, where his father and grandfathe­r — both admirals — are buried. McCain’s office said on Sunday that Larson, who died in 2014, had reserved four plots at the site — for himself, McCain and their wives, both now widows.

■ Tributes poured in from around the globe. French President Emmanuel Macron tweeted in English that McCain “was a true American hero. He devoted his entire life to his country.” Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said McCain’s support for the Jewish state “never wavered. It sprang from his belief in democracy and freedom. ”And Germany’s chancellor, Angela Merkel, called McCain “a tireless fighter for a strong trans-Atlantic alliance. His significan­ce went well beyond his own country.”

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