Dayton Daily News

Federal judge rejects bid by seven states to block DACA program

- By Astric Galvan and Nomann Merchant

HOUSTON — A federal judge Friday declined to order that the U.S. government halt an Obama-era program that shields young immigrants from deportatio­n, marking a blow to President Donald Trump and other opponents of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen said Texas and six other conservati­ve states that sued to block DACA couldn’t prove that allowing the program to continue was causing irreparabl­e harm. The judge questioned the legality of DACA but argued that more harm would be done to DACA recipients if they lost the program.

The judge, who has ruled against DACA-related programs in the past, essen tially said the states waited too long to ask for the preliminar­y injunction.

“Here, the egg has been scrambled. To try to put it back in the shell with only a preliminar­y injunction record, and perhaps at great risk to many, does not make sense nor serve the best interests of this country,” Hanen wrote in his ruling.

The states filed the law suit in Texas, hoping Hanen would stop DACA recipients from continuing to renew their enrollment. That would have triggered a conflict with three federal orders that have required the U.S. government to keep accepting DACA renewals. Legal experts say such a conflict would have drawn the attention of the U.S. Supreme Court.

With the Trump admin- istration now opposing the program, some states that support DACA — along with the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educationa­l Fund, or MALDEF — intervened in the lawsuit to defend the program.

The lawsuit followed the same strategy that stopped an expansion of DACA also proposed by former President Barack Obama’s administra­tion. After Obama announced he would create a program protecting the parents of children in the U.S. without legal permission, Texas sued in federal court in Brownsvill­e, Texas, where Hanen is based.

Hanen ended up with that case and ruled the expansion of protection­s was unconstitu­tional. In that case, an appeals court upheld his ruling, and the Supreme Court split 4-4 after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, leaving the ruling in place.

On Friday, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said he was confident the courts would ultimately find DACA unconstitu­tional.

MALDEF said it was happy with the decision and expects the states to appeal.

“Today DACA beneficiar­ies like myself and my little sister breathe a sigh of relief. We all know DACA works,” said Greisa Martinez Rosas of United We Dream.

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