Dayton Daily News

With Trump, swamp things are bigger, slimier, greedier

- She writes for the New York Times. Gail Collins

I cannot think of a better time to talk about draining the swamp.

After all, we’ve got swampy weather. Plus a president whose administra­tion is setting records for boggy behavior. ’Tis the season.

People, what do you think originally inspired Donald Trump’s promise to “drain the swamp” if he was elected? Do you think he repressed the whole matter of his tax returns? The hush money payments to Stormy and Company? He did say during his campaign that the swamp was the “entire corrupt Washington establishm­ent,” so maybe he presumed that slimy things occurring in New York or Florida didn’t count.

Ah, well, let’s look ahead. Autumn is coming, temperatur­es will be falling and the Democrats will be running on a neo-Drainage platform.

Anti-swamp proposals are bubbling up all over. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is pushing for an Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity Act, known to some friends as ACPIA.

Warren’s basic idea is to unravel some of the ties between the federal government and the corporate world that government is supposed to regulate. So you couldn’t just leave your seat in Congress and go to work for a big financial or lobbying firm.

There’s a lot of subsurface hostility to this in Congress. The members, who get around $174,000 a year (plus benefits), frequently convince themselves they’re making a great financial sacrifice that will pay off later when they return to the private sector.

The Trump era makes our normal problems with political ethics explode like spectacula­r, sleazy fireworks. It’s not unusual for public servants to recycle themselves into lucrative jobs in lobbying or business. But this administra­tion has been distinguis­hed by the number of people who can’t even wait until they leave the government to start getting payback.

For instance, there’s the head of Trump’s Environmen­tal Protection Agency who got his staff to help his wife when she was trying to get a Chick-fil-A franchise.

We like this story because it’s such a stupendous­ly tawdry case of greed — a lot like good old Congressma­n Duncan Hunter pretending golf clothes he purchased with campaign donations were really sports equipment for wounded warriors.

This fall could make a big difference. If the Democrats win a majority in the House, both parties need to feel that the voters demanded change because they want cleaner government. Not sure all the signals are going that way. Right now, polling in Hunter’s district seems to suggest he can still get re-elected this fall. “A lot of his constituen­ts say either ‘fake news’ or ‘Let’s wait for the trial and conviction,’” said Steven Erie, a professor emeritus of political science at UC San Diego.

Hunter’s district is, as you can probably tell, very conservati­ve. It’s also very safe — he inherited the seat from his father. Pre-scandal, there weren’t a lot of Democrats standing in line to get a chance to run against him, and his opponent, Ammar Campa-Najjar, is a relative political newcomer.

Cross your fingers and see if voters in a red district will be willing to take a stand against corruption and elect a Palestinia­n-Mexican-American millennial to represent them in Washington.

Hey, stranger things have happened.

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