Dayton Daily News

It’s still warm, so why not try perfect punch?

- By Gloria Yoder

It’s 1 p.m., Wednesday afternoon at our house. The church ladies and girls are all invited to our house for a few hours of fellowship. This time it’s my turn to host the monthly ladies Bible study. Each time we review a chapter in the book, “The Power of True Success.” I enjoy attending these times of sharing where we can just come as we are and share what tough spots we may be encounteri­ng or thoughts to share on the topic of discussion.

Julia was at school and Austin, Rayni and Jesse were all sound asleep with their afternoon naps. Elijah was a bit fussy and wanted to be held as I was attempting to finish picking up the last toys and combing my hair and preparing a little snack for everyone. I was determined to not get stressed about it. What good does that do, anyway? Ten minutes before the ladies planned to arrive Mrs. Weaver stepped inside the door and offered to take the baby while I do my last minute jobs. “Sure, thanks,” I said blessed by her kindness. Soon Elijah was fast asleep, and I had the most important things done when the other ladies began arriving.

“Why don’t we sit downstairs in the living room where it’s a bit cooler,” I suggested. Soon we were all sitting in a circle singing one of my favorites from song copies I had provided. The notes harmonized melodiousl­y as we sang “We have come into this house and to worship Him.”

The discussion for the day was creativity verses underachie­vement. I was motivated by the inspiratio­n of doing old tasks from entirely new perspectiv­es. Alongside that vision comes the importance of keeping a clear vision of our goal or purpose in the midst of mundane jobs or obstacles that pop up uninvited.

After sharing time and prayer we were dismissed and ready for the light snack that I had prepared. The day before, Julia had helped me make energy balls for this event as well as to put in baggies and stick in the freezer for easy school lunches. Besides these little sweet treats, I had some popcorn with salty snacks and punch. As we were snacking Julia popped in the back door, all smiles, home from her day at school. With school being just across the woods beyond our backyard she doesn’t have far to go as she sprints along the path, to and from school each day. She was tickled to be home in time to see everyone and have a snack. Are all children always hungry when they come home from school? I know I was always hungry. With Julia being petite like her mom has always been, I’m always eager to get more food in her.

Writing about the punch I served to the ladies motivates me to share one of our favorite drink recipes with you. Daniel can never get too many juices and drinks. Whether it’s a concoction of various juices with a can of sparkling juice to give it some zip or iced coffee or just a glass of homemade grape juice, he’s always ready to quench his thirst. At any rate, these warm summer days call for lots of liquid for all of us. Of course, water remains our primary with occasional juices for a treat.

Owen is known for his delicious punch that he serves at youth activities or birthday parties. I’ll pass his standby recipe on for you to try.


1 package (3 oz.) cherry


1 (46 oz.) can pineapple


1 (12 oz.) frozen orange

juice concentrat­e

1 cup white sugar

4 cups water

2 liter 7-Up

Bring water to boil, add jello and sugar, stir until dissolved. Add juices and 7-up. Mix and enjoy, or for an easy drink, pop in the freezer before adding 7-up. Several hours before serving, remove from freezer and add 7-up. Absolutely refreshing! Readers can write Gloria Yoder at 10510 E. 350th Ave., Flat Rock, IL., 62427

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