Dayton Daily News

Irish border dispute stymies Brexit deal

- By Raf Casert and Jill Lawless

The moods LUXEMBOURG — in Britain and the European Union swung between hope and gloom Monday over an intractabl­e dispute about the Irish border shifts that

— came only two days ahead of a summit once seen as the last moment to reach a deal on Britain’s divorce from the bloc.

After a flurry of weekend meetings had raised expectatio­ns for a Brexit agreement only to dash them again, EU and British leaders sought to keep alive the possibilit­y that Wednesday’s summit could see a Brexit breakthrou­gh, despite their conflictin­g stances.

After a year-and-a-half of talks aimed at a smooth breakup, both sides were still dogged by the same issue — how to ensure that no hard border is created between the EU’s Ireland and Britain’s Northern Ireland once Brexit happens March 29.

EU Council president and summit host Donald Tusk searched for a positive outlook.

He used a quote saying “It always seems impossible until it’s done” before adding himself “let us not give up.” At the same time, he acknowledg­ed that a breakup with no rules in place “is more likely than ever before.”

Despite a failed meeting Sunday between the two sides’ Brexit negotiator­s, British Prime Minister Theresa May told the House of Commons in London on Monday that “I do not believe the EU and the UK are far apart.”

Yet a chasm remains over a solution for the Irish border.

The EU wants Northern Ireland to stay in its customs union to avoid a hard, policed land border between it and Ireland. But May says that would create “a border in the Irish Sea” between two parts of the United Kingdom — a scenario that she and Britain will not accept.

Britain is proposing instead to keep all of the U.K. in a customs union with the bloc — but only temporaril­y. Tying Britain to the EU on customs would limit the U.K.’s power to strike new trade deals around the world — a key goal of those who voted to leave the EU.

“I need to be able to look the British people in the eye and say this ‘backstop’ is a temporary solution,” May told the lawmakers.

Insisting that a Brexit divorce deal was “achievable,” May said the border dispute should not “derail the prospects of a good deal and leave us with the no-deal outcome that no one wants.”

May is under intense pressure from her Conservati­ve Party and its parliament­ary allies not to give any more ground in Brexit negotiatio­ns.

May’s political allies in Northern Ireland, the Democratic Unionist Party, stand ready to scuttle a Brexit deal over the Irish border issue. DUP Brexit spokesman Sammy Wilson said “it is probably inevitable that we will end up with a no-deal scenario” over Brexit.

Many fear that any return to customs checks and other controls on the Ireland-Northern Ireland border could revive tensions between Northern Ireland’s Irish Catholic community and its British Protestant one. More than 3,700 people were killed in Northern Ireland amid 30 years of violence between the two groups and Britain before a 1998 peace deal.

Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney, speaking at a meeting Monday of EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg, said the delays in solving the border issue were frustratin­g. He suggested that May was reneging on part of Britain’s commitment, made in December, to ensure that there is no hard border on the island of Ireland.

 ?? LEON NEAL / GETTY IMAGES ?? British Prime Minister Theresa May leaves the prime minster’s residence Monday in London. May is trying to negotiate Britain’s EU exit.
LEON NEAL / GETTY IMAGES British Prime Minister Theresa May leaves the prime minster’s residence Monday in London. May is trying to negotiate Britain’s EU exit.

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