Dayton Daily News

Are options for #NeverTrump conservati­ves that limited?

- Ross Douthat He writes for the New York Times.

Earlier this month Jennifer Rubin, the prolific #NeverTrump pundit who writes for The Washington Post, got something that every columnist craves: a petition against her.

The signatorie­s, a collection of conservati­ves assembled by the American Principles Project, demanded that The Post cease identifyin­g Rubin, whose blog used to be called “Right Turn,” as conservati­ve or “center right” because since President Donald Trump’s election “she has sided against conservati­ves on a dizzying array of issues.” They went on to blast the prevalence of #NeverTrump conservati­ves on The Post’s op-ed pages: “How can an average reader take the Post’s opinion section seriously when, of its numerous regular columnists, none can be found which defend the policies of our nation’s elected president?”

As an op-ed conservati­ve who opposed Trump and finds some of his policies indefensib­le, I have a self-interested resistance to this logic. Op-ed pages should seek intellectu­al diversity, including Trump-supporting diversity, but it’s obviously possible to be a serious conservati­ve and still oppose many of “the policies of our nation’s elected president.” And if most of your conservati­ve columnists are hostile to a Republican president, that tells you something about his flaws that simply relabeling all his critics as liberals would obscure.

But at the same time, labels do sometimes need to shift with political realities. The neoconserv­atives of the 1970s, former liberals who became Nixon or Reagan backers, eventually accepted the “neocon” descriptio­n instead of calling themselves “The Real New Deal Democrats” forever.

This expectatio­n doesn’t apply to many NeverTrump­ers. It doesn’t fit Reaganite Trump-skeptics who hate the president’s temperamen­t but have been pleasantly surprised by his judicial appointmen­ts and tax cuts, or younger, heterodox conservati­ves who regard Trump himself as a bigot but consider his populist campaign a possible road map for the future.

But observers trying to imagine what a decent right might look like after Trump should look elsewhere.

For an account of policy people working toward this goal, read Sam Tanenhaus in the latest Time magazine, talking to conservati­ves on Capitol Hill who are trying to forge a Trumpism-after-Trump that genuinely serves working-class families instead of just starting racially-charged feuds.

For a bigger-picture defense of the nationalis­t ideal, read the Israeli academic Yoram Hazony’s “The Virtue of Nationalis­m,” an eccentric, fascinatin­g, debatable account of nationalis­m’s ethical and practical superiorit­y to the other major form of mass political organizati­on, empire — which Hazony identifies with the global ambitions of the post-Cold War elite

I don’t know if any of these efforts can pull the post-Trump right away from anti-intellectu­alism and chauvinism. But their project is the one that matters to what conservati­sm is right now, not what it might have been had John McCain been elected president, or had the Iraq War been something other than a misbegotte­n mess, or had the 2000-era opening to China gone the way free traders hoped.

And for anyone whose commitment to conservati­sm is defined by those now-lost possibilit­ies, the logical turn to make goes left.

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