Dayton Daily News

Republican Party is adrift with Trump at the helm

- Jules Witcover

The Republican Party now approaches its lowest ebb since the Watergate fiasco of the early 1970s, having been devastated in the midterm congressio­nal elections by the Democrats, who will take over the U.S. House of Representa­tives on Jan. 3.

Subpoenas will begin flying at the Trump White House from Democratic-led committees over the alleged conspiracy with the Russians in the 2016 election, as well as those relating to other criminal activities by the president and his henchmen now being revealed by Special Counsel Mueller and other investigat­ors.

President Trump ludicrousl­y dismissed the damaging informatio­n against him gleaned from the federal court reports charging his campaign manager Paul Manafort and legal fixer Michael Cohen with lying to protect him.

The question for the Republican Party now is whether the shadow of its once proud conservati­ve establishm­ent has the will and means to salvage itself, faced with Trump’s eventual collapse under severe legal fire.

The Republican congressio­nal leadership, including retiring House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, remains in supine surrender. One of the few Republican officehold­ers of stature standing up to Trump right now is Ohio Gov. John Kasich, another lame-duck of uncertain favor within the party’s ranks.

In his long and effective service of 18 years in the House before his current eight-year governorsh­ip, Kasich developed and outlasted a reputation as an acerbic and often contrarian firecracke­r. He has since emerged as a persuasive middle-road figure with guts conspicuou­sly lacking in his fellow party members.

Kasich has not yet committed to challengin­g Trump in 2020, but the party could do worse than accept him if no other more appealing regular should emerge to oppose the raging bull in the Oval Office who is on a certain path to destroy it.

Two Republican U.S. senators who have been vocal in the anti-Trump resistance, Jeff Flake of Arizona and Bob Corker of Tennessee, announced their retirement­s from the Senate, confronted with likely defeat for re-election in their heavily conservati­ve and pro-Trump states. But neither has yet signaled that he will oppose the president in 2020.

Nor has Republican Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska, who also has been notably critical of Trump. Veteran Republican operative William Kristol, editor of the conservati­ve Weekly Standard, is reported to have formed a nonprofit group, “Defending Democracy Together.” It aims to resist Trump’s assault on the rule of law and on conservati­ve articles of faith such as free trade.

Last month, Kasich ventured to New Hampshire, the site of the traditiona­l first presidenti­al primaries, where he ran second to Trump in 2016. Flake also has visited the Granite State, where he told attendees at a political dinner that Trump “needed” a primary challenge but stopped short of volunteeri­ng for the mission.

A University of New Hampshire poll in August found 56 percent support among Republican­s there for Trump, with about 20 percent for someone else not listed and 24 percent not sure. Tom Rath, a former state attorney general and longtime Mitt Romney supporter, has offered that any successful challenger to Trump would have to be specific in his opposition, that “it’s not enough to simply say he’s kind of a crazy guy and I’m a nice guy.”

In any event, it’s indisputab­le now that the brand of the Grand Old Party is tarnished as never before, thanks to the outsider political novice who has hijacked it. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday FROM THE LEFT Paul Krugman Mary Sanchez Clarence Page Frank Bruni E. J. Dionne Jr. Gail Collins Leonard Pitts

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