Dayton Daily News




In honor of Site with a Pill Identifica­tion Tool

11 Tried hard 12 More substantia­l 14 Sea of Azov

peninsula 15 When many

photos are taken 17 Some therapeuti­c applicatio­ns 18 Didn’t get in the

way of

20 Brand with an orange-andyellow bull’s-eye trademark Conversati­on on the go

X or Z preceder Stella Artois product Waiters stand in them Product of sugar and heat Real go-getter Retrieved at an airport carousel Pet holdable in one hand Critical sounds Took turns Energized Cleanser compound Saint, in Brazil What you’d better have if you miss work Highest Italian peak south of the Alps

Like yummy desserts, sooner or later

48 Fit to serve 49 Separate 51 Metaphors, e.g. 53 Homicide official 54 Event associated with a blue moon 55 Concretere­inforcing rod 56 Kind of question 1 6 21 24 25 26 28 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 45 47


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 19 22 23 Heart chambers Nonessenti­al decoration Siberian industrial center Big event lead-in What John Wayne and Cary Grant weren’t Dinner party amenity Painter’s aid A/C letters Flavor that pairs well with chocolate Appoint Harbor hauler Brand on Barbie boxes Cashed in Stretching muscle Trimmed, in a way

Bay Area city Female R&B group with the ’80s hit “I Miss You”


“Simple Saturday” columns are meant to help aspiring players improve technique.

Bridge has many “nursery rhymes”: adages that guide your play. Good players know when to ignore mere guidelines.

At today’s 3NT, declarer should play dummy’s ace on the first spade; he has no hurry to try winning a trick with the queen. The old rhyme about “eight ever, nine never” tells South to take the A-K of clubs next instead of finessing for the queen, but South doesn’t want West to get in. Another spade lead may be fatal if East has the king.

South should instead take the ace and let the jack ride. If East had the queen, he couldn’t lead another 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 37 MIT part: abbr. Of concern to the Weather Channel Twelve-step helper Start the day Requiremen­t for statistica­l analysis Tried to catch Massive group Fan Flat-topped straw hat spade without giving South a ninth trick. If East exited with a heart, South would win and safely let the queen of diamonds ride. He would be sure of four clubs, two diamonds, two hearts and a spade.

As the cards lie, South’s jack of clubs wins. He can then finesse in diamonds and end with an overtrick.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ AQ3 ♥ 72 ◆ A7 52 ♣ K 9 4 3. Your partner opens one heart. The next player passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: It would be nice to respond 2NT, natural and forcing, showing a balanced hand with 13 to 15 points. But many pairs treat a 2NT bid as a convention­al forcing raise in hearts. If 40 Davis with a recurring role on “Grey’s Anatomy” 41 Denver’s __ Field 42 Remove from the bulletin board

43 Take care of 44 Unchalleng­ing 46 A football field is about 32% larger than one Not take well Female name that’s a body part backward 50 52 that is your agreement, respond two clubs, leaving room for your partner to bid two diamonds if he has length there.

 ?? By Greg Johnson © 2019 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. ??
By Greg Johnson © 2019 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
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Previous Puzzle Solved
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