Dayton Daily News

Autocrats get things done, which explains their appeal

- Pat Buchanan Patrick Buchanan writes for Creators Syndicate.

“If you look at Trump in America or Bolsonaro in Brazil, you see that people now want politician­s who are tough enough to do what they promise,” said Spanish businessma­n Juan Carlos Perez Carreno.

He was explaining to The New York Times what lay behind the rise of Vox, which the Times calls “Spain’s first far-right party since the end of the Franco dictatorsh­ip in 1975.”

Indeed, the growing impatience of peoples with elected leaders and legislator­s who cannot or will not act decisively explains two realities of our time: the eclipse of Congress and the rise of autocracy worldwide.

In condemning President Donald Trump’s decision to declare a national emergency and use Pentagon funds to build his wall, Beltway elites have charged the president with a multitude of sins against the Constituti­on.

He has usurped the “power of the purse” that the Founding Fathers invested in Congress. He has disregarde­d the “checks and balances” of Madisonian democracy. He is acting like an imperial president.

Yet the decline of Congress is not a recent phenomenon. And the principal collaborat­or in its fall from grace, from being “the first branch of government” to the least esteemed, has been Congress itself, its own timidity and cowardice.

Contrast, if you will, the now-inveterate torpor and inaction of Congress with how presidents, declared by historians to be great or near great, have acted.

Thomas Jefferson seized upon Napoleon’s sudden offer to sell the vast Louisiana territory for $15 million in an act of dubious constituti­onality by Jefferson’s own judgment. History has validated his decision.

Andrew Jackson — “John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!” — shoved aside a Supreme Court ruling denying him the right to transfer the Indians of Florida to the middle of the country.

Abraham Lincoln arrested Maryland legislator­s to prevent a secessioni­st-minded legislatur­e from meeting, violated the habeas corpus rights of thousands, ordered Chief Justice Roger Taney arrested, shut down newspapers, and, in January 1863, declared free all the slaves of every state still in rebellion against the Union.

“I took Panama!” said Theodore Roosevelt, whose agents helped rebels shear off the province from Colombia to build his canal.

FDR ordered some 110,000 Japanese, 75,000 of them U.S. citizens, into detention camps in 1942 for the duration of the war.

Without authorizat­ion from Congress, Harry Truman ordered U.S. troops into South Korea in 1950 to resist the invasion by North Korea, calling it a police action.

Yet while presidents have acted decisively, without congressio­nal authorizat­ion and sometimes unconstitu­tionally, Congress has failed to defend, and even surrendere­d, its legitimate constituti­onal powers.

In declaring the national emergency Friday, Trump rested his case on authority given the president by Congress in the National Emergencie­s Act of 1976.

High among the reasons Trump was elected was that he was seen as a man who “gets things done.”

And high among the reasons autocrats are on the rise is that the centrist parties being shoved aside are perceived as having failed the people in their most basic demands, including more secure borders.

Whatever may be said of the autocrats, they act. And they may very well own the future.

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