Dayton Daily News

Democrats pick up pace on investigat­ive ‘path’

- By Mary Clare Jalonick

President Donald Trump says it’s “case closed.” But Democrats are just getting started with Robert Mueller.

House Democrats have scheduled a series of hearings this week on the special counsel’s report as they intensify their focus on the Russia probe and pick up the pace on an investigat­ive “path” — in the words of Speaker Nancy Pelosi — that some of them hope leads to impeachmen­t of the president.

In doing so, they are trying to draw the public’s attention on the allegation­s that Trump sought to obstruct a federal investigat­ion and they want to highlight his campaign’s contacts with Russia in the 2016 election.

And they will lay the groundwork for an appearance from Mueller himself, despite his stated desire to avoid the spotlight.

The hearings will focus on the two main topics of Mueller’s report, obstructio­n of justice and Russian election interferen­ce.

The House Judiciary Committee plans to cover the first topic at a hearing today on “presidenti­al obstructio­n and other crimes.” The House Intelligen­ce Committee on Wednesday intends to review the counterint­elligence implicatio­ns of the Russian meddling. Mueller said there was not enough evidence to establish a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia, but he said he could not exonerate Trump on obstructio­n.

On Tuesday, the House has scheduled a vote to authorize contempt cases against Attorney General William Barr and former White House counsel Donald McGahn for failing to comply with subpoenas from the Democratic-controlled House.

Barr defied a subpoena to provide an unredacted version of Mueller’s report, along with underlying evidence. McGahn, who is frequently referenced in the report, has defied subpoenas to provide documents and testify before the House Judiciary Committee.

Language in the resolution would make it easier for committee chairmen to take the Trump administra­tion to court. Those chairmen could take legal action to enforce subpoenas in the future without a vote of the full House, so long as the chairmen have approval from a five-person, bipartisan group where Democrats have the majority.

With Trump pledging that “we’re fighting all the subpoenas,” Democratic leaders want to avoid repeated floor votes on contempt resolution­s that detract from their legislativ­e agenda.

The procession of hearings and votes in the week ahead is partly designed to mollify anxious Democrats who have pushed Pelosi, D-Calif., to begin impeachmen­t proceeding­s immediatel­y. Pelosi has so far rejected that option, preferring a slower, more methodical approach to investigat­ing the president, including the court fights and hearings.

During a meeting with the House Judiciary Committee chairman, New York Rep. Jerrold Nadler, and other committee heads last week, Pelosi made the case that she would rather see Trump voted out of office and “in prison” than merely impeached, according to a report in Politico. A person familiar with the exchange confirmed the account to The Associated Press.

The latest approach appears to have temporaril­y satisfied the restless House Democrats.

Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin, who pleaded with Pelosi last month to start an inquiry, said the votes and hearings are going to be enough, for now, as they wait to see what happens in court.

Rep. David Cicilline, a Judiciary Committee member who favors an impeachmen­t inquiry, took pains to avoid separating himself from top Democrats such as Pelosi.

“We should never proceed with impeachmen­t for political reasons. We should never refuse to proceed with impeachmen­t for political reasons,” Cicilline, D-R.I., said on “Fox News Sunday.”

 ?? GETTY IMAGES GETTY IMAGES ?? Nancy Pelosi made the case that she would rather see Trump voted out of office. President Donald Trump says it’s “case closed” in regard to the Mueller report.
GETTY IMAGES GETTY IMAGES Nancy Pelosi made the case that she would rather see Trump voted out of office. President Donald Trump says it’s “case closed” in regard to the Mueller report.

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