Dayton Daily News

Tech on trial: House mulls antitrust help for news outlets

- By Marcy Gordon

Members WASHINGTON — of both parties on Tuesday suggested legislatio­n may be necessary for the financiall­y-struggling U.S. news industry as lawmakers began a bipartisan investigat­ion into the market dominance of Silicon Valley companies.

At a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee’s antitrust panel, news media associatio­ns accused the tech companies of jeopardizi­ng the industry’s economic survival by putting news content on their platforms without fairly compensati­ng them.

“This is the first significan­t antitrust investigat­ion undertaken by Congress in decades,” Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., the subcommitt­ee’s chairman, said at the start of the hearing.

The investigat­ion is long overdue, he said, and Congress must determine whether the antitrust laws “are equipped for the competitio­n problems of our modern economy.”

Cicilline noted the steep layoffs in the news industry in recent years, saying the dominant position of the online platforms in the advertisin­g market has created “an economic catastroph­e for news publishers, forcing them to cut back on their investment­s in quality journalism.”

At the same time, he said, tech platforms that are gateways to news online “have operated with virtual immunity from the antitrust laws.”

As a partial solution, Cicilline proposed legislatio­n to establish an antitrust exemption that would allow news companies to band together to negotiate revenue rates with big tech platforms. He called it “a life support measure, not the remedy for longterm health” of the news business.

The senior Republican on the full committee, Rep. Doug Collins of Georgia, said he backs Cicilline’s proposal. Addressing the broader question of antitrust, however, he said, “Big is not necessaril­y bad,” adding that lawmakers need to proceed cautiously.

The head of an associatio­n that represents technology and telecom companies said the government scrutiny of successful companies is appropriat­e.

However, an antitrust exemption for the news industry wouldn’t solve the problem, said Matt Schruer, vice president of the Computer and Communicat­ions Industry Associatio­n.

Before the internet, “news publishers received an exemption to deal with previous competitor­s like radio and TV news (and they) have not worked,” Schruer said. “The results were fewer choices for readers and less competitio­n among news outlets.”

But David Chavern, president of the News Media Alliance representi­ng some 2,000 news organizati­ons of all sizes and types, called an antitrust exemption “the lightest-touch option on the table.”

“There’s a real urgency in the industry. We’re at crisis point now,” Chavern said.

Stepping ahead of the criticism, Google’s vice president of news Richard Gringas said the company has “worked for many years to be a collaborat­ive and supportive technology and advertisin­g partner to the news industry.”

“Every month, Google News and Google Search drive over 10 billion clicks to publishers’ websites, which drive subscripti­ons and significan­t ad revenue,” he said in a statement Tuesday.

In a Capitol steeped in partisansh­ip, inflamed by special counsel Robert Mueller’s report and Democrats’ intensifyi­ng probes of President Donald Trump, Congress’ new investigat­ion of tech market power stands out.

Not only is it bipartisan, but it’s also the first such review by Congress of a sector that for more than a decade has enjoyed haloed status and a light touch from federal regulators.

With regulators at the Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission apparently pursuing antitrust investigat­ions of Facebook, Google, Apple and Amazon, and several state attorneys general exploring bipartisan action of their own, the tech industry finds itself in a precarious moment — with the dreaded M-word increasing­ly used to describe their way of doing business.

Cicilline has flatly called them monopolies.

The Justice Department’s antitrust chief suggested in a speech Tuesday that he may take a broad view of harm to competitio­n, and take into account quality factors such as the threat to privacy, not only whether a company’s dominant market position results in higher prices.

“Price effects alone do not provide a complete picture of market dynamics, especially in digital markets in which the profit-maximizing price is zero,” Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim said, according to a transcript of his speech in Tel Aviv, Israel, provided by the department.

Politician­s on the left and right have differing gripes about the tech giants. Some complain of aggressive conduct that squashes competitio­n.

Others perceive a political bias or tolerance of extremist content. Still others are upset by the industry’s harvesting of personal data.

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