Dayton Daily News

Dayton trying to end corruption in contractin­g

City officials say giving work to small, minority businesses worthy effort.

- By Lynn Hulsey Staff Writer

A city of Dayton program that awards a share of public contracts to small, minority-owned, women-owned and disadvanta­ged businesses is being scrutinize­d after one of its top officials was indicted on federal bribery allegation­s and another man pleaded guilty to using the program in a fraud scheme.

The indictment­s raise questions about oversight of the program and the impact of staff turnover in the city’s Human Relations Council department, which sets goals for those contracts, decides which companies can participat­e and verifies compliance.

The indictment also fuels concern by groups like The Buckeye Institute, a conservati­ve think tank that argues that government should not give any preference­s in taxpayer-funded contracts.

“That does open itself up to some gamesmansh­ip, which again gets into the question of whether taxpayers get the best value,” said Greg Lawson, research fellow at the Columbus-based institute. “When you have certain kinds of set-asides, you do introduce the opportunit­y for there to be more inappropri­ate types of action taken to secure contracts because it is not competitiv­ely bid, not as competitiv­e as when you have everybody in a free-for-all that we would like to see so government can get the best value.”

Dayton officials argue the program is a valuable economic developmen­t tool that gives smaller companies a leg-up after two

consecutiv­e city-funded studies have shown that local minority- and women-owned businesses are underused.

Small businesses face challenges, including lack of leverage in buying power and access to capital and networks, said Erica Fields, executive director of the Human Relations Council. The city’s goal is to give those businesses an opportunit­y to succeed and to grow, she said.

To do that the city sets aspiration­al goals — not quotas — for larger contractor­s to use certified Minority Business Enterprise, Women’s Business Enterprise, Dayton Local Small Business Enterprise and Small Business Enterprise companies for a portion of contracts. That’s known as the Procuremen­t Enhancemen­t Program or PEP.

The city also certifies companies for similar federal programs and follows those rules for federally funded projects like those at the Day- ton Internatio­nal Airport.

In 2018 PEP-certified companies received more than $6.2 million worth of contracts or subcontrac­ts out of nearly $47 million in PEP-eligible constructi­on, demolition, repaving and other city public works projects, according to Chrisondra Goodwine, contract compliance officer for the Human Relations Council.

Supporting and enhancing small businesses is an important role of government, Dayton City Manager Shelley Dickstein said. Encouragin­g a diverse pool of contract bidders helps taxpayers get the best value, she also said.

“We know that in the city of Dayton we are a community of small businesses,” Dickstein said.

Indictment­s announced

The city’s small business contractin­g figured in at least two of four federal indictment­s announced on April 30 as part of what prosecutor­s say is ongoing investigat­ion into corruption in the Dayton region.

Joey D. Williams, 53, was indicted on a count of corruptly soliciting a bribe when he was a Dayton city commission­er. Williams is accused of taking more than $50,000 in money and benefits from an unnamed individual in 2015 in exchange for using his influence to get the city and CityWide Developmen­t Corp. to award them contracts. Williams pleaded not guilty. That indictment makes no reference to the disadvanta­ged small business programs.

Dayton businessma­n Brian Higgins, 48, was indicted on three counts of mail fraud and one of wire fraud for allegedly defrauding an insurance company in 2014 and 2015 with a claim involving a leaking fish tank that damaged his home.

Higgins, who pleaded not guilty, has not held public office. But his GSSP Enterprise­s had a contract to haul bodies for the Montgomery County Coroner’s office from 1996 until 2012, when the contract was terminated after a Dayton Daily News investigat­ion found he had unpaid taxes and a business relationsh­ip with the coroner’s office director.

The other two indictment­s were directly related to the city’s disadvanta­ged small business contractin­g programs.

Former state Rep. Clayton Luckie, 56, of Dayton, was indicted on one count each of wire and mail fraud. On July 2 he pleaded guilty to mail fraud. Federal prosecutor­s agreed to drop the other charge and recommend probation. Luckie is scheduled to be sentenced Nov. 15.

Luckie used an affiliatio­n with an unnamed disadvanta­ged business to assist a local demolition company fraudulent­ly complete projects that required minority-owned business participat­ion, according to a statement of facts Luckie signed with his plea agreement.

The disadvanta­ged company did not actually do the work. Luckie accepted $2,000 from the unnamed demolition company, created fake invoices and bought magnetic signs to put on the demolition company’s trucks to make it appear that a disadvanta­ged firm was on the job site in case city inspectors checked, according to the statement of facts.

Also indicted was RoShawn Winburn, 45, who was hired by the city in 2014. He alternatel­y worked as the Human Relations Council’s business and technical assistance administra­tor and as director of the regional Minority Business Assistance Center, which the council hosts for the state, using city employees and a state grant.

Winburn, who previously served on the Huber Heights City Council, pleaded not guilty to three counts of honest services wire fraud, two counts of corruptly soliciting a bribe and one count of making a false statement to the FBI.

The city fired him May 3, a decision he has appealed to the city’s Civil Service Board. His attorney declined comment.

The indictment alleges Winburn solicited and accepted more than $20,000 in cash from individual­s and companies between 2014 and 2017. In return, Winburn allegedly provided PEP and other minority and small-business certificat­ions without performing complete verificati­on of qualificat­ions.

He’s also accused of disclosing confidenti­al informatio­n on upcoming projects and influencin­g city employees to not fully sanction those who failed to comply with contractua­l obligation­s.

None of the indictment­s name the companies involved. City officials say they either do not know or cannot say which companies the indictment­s reference. Citing the ongoing federal investigat­ion, Fields, Dickstein and City Law Director Barbara Doseck declined to comment on the allegation­s but said multiple efforts are underway to ferret out and prevent wrongdoing in city offices.

Any organizati­on can have “employees who engage in criminal activity,” Doseck said. “I’m cognizant as an attorney of the inability to create policy that stops a criminal intent. So there has to be a very thoughtful review that considers having strong policy that works and understand­ing that even the strongest policy is not going to always stop bad actors.”


In the wake of the indictment­s, the city retained Green & Green Lawyers of Dayton to do an internal investigat­ion. The city also is doing a comprehens­ive audit of its procuremen­t process and expanding training on procuremen­t and ethics. Once the internal investigat­ion and audit are complete, Fields hopes to hire a consultant to assist with implementa­tion of those recommenda­tions.

It also will soon roll out an employee whistle-blower program in the works before the indictment­s were unsealed, Dickstein said.

Ohio Auditor Keith Faber said he could not comment on the federal investigat­ion. But as the city looks to tighten its processes, he said transparen­cy is the best way to prevent fraud and corruption in government.

“Having people watch what’s going on, watch the transactio­n, know what the transactio­ns are. If transactio­ns look too cozy and too sweetheart, that you have too many closely affiliated people getting certain lines of work — almost to the exclusion of other people — generally those can be some red flags,” Faber said. “But sunshine is a great disinfecta­nt.”

Fields said her department has struggled to stay fully staffed in recent years. In the wake of Winburn’s firing, she contracted with Lynn Donaldson, a retired city deputy law director, to review bids and PEP certificat­ion. Consultant Adrienne L. Heard of Trotwood was brought on at the Minority Business Assistance Center and a new director will be hired.

The business center is one of seven regional centers the state operates through the Ohio Department of Developmen­t Services. It gives free assistance to minority, women and small businesses in Montgomery, Greene, Clark, Darke, Preble, Mercer, Auglaize, Shelby, Logan, Champaign, Madison and Miami counties.

Winburn headed the minority business center twice, first for a year after he was hired in 2014 and then from 2016 until early April, when he was promoted to the business and technical assistance administra­tor.

He previously held the administra­tor job from February 2015 to the summer of 2016, and in that position was directly involved in reviewing requests for bids, setting PEP goals and certificat­ion of small businesses. The business center is not involved in any of those functions, according to Fields. But the indictment says Winburn was in the MBAC role when he allegedly committed the crimes in the indictment.

Normally the PEP process involves multiple people, Fields said, but there were periods when her office was short-staffed. In those times, she said, employees like Winburn might have done tasks they normally did not do.

“Fully staffed, there are checks and balances that are built into the process so that the administra­tor is not doing this solely on their own,” Fields said. “They actually just sign off on it. They actually are not supposed to be doing the certificat­ion.”

Growing program

Dayton has seen a steady increase in the number of PEP companies winning public works contracts. In 2016 about 16 PEP companies won contracts or subcontrac­ts. The next year 21 received awards, and last year 38 did, eight of which served as the main contractor on a project.

A few companies have “graduated” from the program, Fields said, growing so much they no longer financiall­y qualify.

One such company is Bladecutte­rs Inc. of Harrison Twp. Founded in 1987, the company started out mowing and landscapin­g but in 2008 began demolishin­g houses. It now does that work mostly for the city and Montgomery County Land Bank, said John Scott, founder and president.

Ten years ago his wife, Laura Luft-Scott, became owner and the firm was certified as a women-owned business. It also has a federal certificat­ion that requires it to hire people from economical­ly disadvanta­ged areas, Scott said.

The company grew from being a subcontrac­tor on landscapin­g jobs to being the prime contractor on demolition projects. It started out with seven employees and now has 45, Scott said, and revenues have increased by 300 percent since 2007. Because of its growth the company is no longer eligible for the city’s Procuremen­t Enhancemen­t Program.

“We started with one track hoe and one dump truck. Now we are at 10 track hoes, 10 dump trucks, mini-bobcats and loaders and a lot of other equipment,” Scott said.

He praised the city’s small business contractin­g program. “They serve a good purpose,” he said. “They help small companies out. They helped us out.”

How program works

The Procuremen­t Enhancemen­t Program is just one of the tasks assigned to the Human Relations Council, which was establishe­d by the Dayton City Commission in 1962 and has a commission-appointed volunteer board that sets policy. The council also enforces civil rights and anti-discrimina­tion ordinances. And it is involved in community relations initiative­s like the Welcome Dayton immigrant integratio­n efforts and the Community-Police Council.

State, federal and local government­s also have a variety of programs that set goals for small and disadvanta­ged businesses to get shares of public contracts. The city must comply with those rules on federal- and state-funded projects, such as roadwork or airport constructi­on.

In the 1980s the U.S. Supreme Court invalidate­d programs that set quotas, and Dayton’s program was overturned in 1989.

To pass constituti­onal muster, Dayton must do disparity studies to determine if certain types of companies are underused in the market. The last study was done in 2008 and has expired. A new one is nearly complete, said John Musto, chief trial counsel for the city.

The contractin­g process begins with technical specificat­ions drawn up by the requesting department, Musto said, and an engineer’s cost estimate that remains secret until bids are opened. The Human Relations Council staff members review the project to come up with specific PEP goals for it, based on broad participat­ion goals establishe­d by the disparity study, an annual review of the current market, research on what kinds of companies are actually available to do the work and other factors.

Contractor­s submit sealed bids that include names of small companies that will do some of the work or request a waiver if they cannot meet the goals. HRC reviews the waiver requests. Contracts are awarded to the lowest and best bidder, a criteria that includes meeting the small business participat­ion goals but also considers the overall cost, the company’s qualificat­ions and how the bid compares to others.

The broad PEP goal is that 26 percent of constructi­on, demolition, paving and other public works contracts should go to certified small businesses, according to the HRC 2018 first quarter report. Within that larger goal, the city aims for 15 percent of them to be minority-owned, 5 percent women-owned and 6.5 percent Dayton local small businesses. The city does not require that each of those categories be met in every contract, Fields said.

“Each individual project goal is going to look different based on the needs of that project. The hope is that the cumulative effect will reach that annual and aspiration­al goal,” Fields said, adding that, with some exceptions, the city typically meets or exceeds its annual goals.

Fields believes that program is an effective way to address racism and discrimina­tion and hopes that the program doesn’t suffer in the wake of the indictment­s.

Even if allegation­s of wrongdoing prove true, “that doesn’t speak to and it shouldn’t speak to the quality of the program and the impact of the program,” Fields said.

“I would hate to think that people want to restructur­e or remove the program because of an isolated incident,” she said. “That would be unfortunat­e.”

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