Dayton Daily News

Student voices


Ben Hemming

Dixie High School has given me many memories I will forever cherish. I have learned many life lessons and discovered who I really am and what my passions are through my education at the school. Dixie has always been a place for me to pursue my dreams and a home to me, and always will be.

I plan to attend Capital University to pursue a degree in instrument­al music education. After college, I plan to become a high school band director.

Senior Quotes

Alexis Coffman: Put your boots on and get in the mud!

Chloe Davenport: If I have to be remembered for something, I guess it’s OK to be remembered as the mom friend.

Abby Morningsta­r: Work hard, stay focused and surround yourself with good people.

Corbin Potter: Don’t wish away high school. Once you’re done, you can’t go back. Make the best of it.

Troy Wolfe: If you want to achieve greatness, quit asking for permission.

Preston Atkins: Your team becomes your family, the ball becomes your best friend, the court becomes your home and the game becomes your life.

Sydney Creamer

To reflect on the past four years of high school is both difficult and simple all at the same time; it has been a whirlwind of events and emotions that all don’t necessaril­y fit into a single category. From sports to theater, my high school career has been full, as I have managed to keep myself busy with concerts, sporting events and production­s.

My favorite memories happen to be both athletic and theatrical; senior year resulted in my first home run and a lead in the production of “Hello, Dolly!” Both are accomplish­ments I am very proud of and show that hard work really does pay off.

In the future, I hope to form a happy family after attending Kent State University to study political science, and then attend law school to become a prosecutin­g attorney. I strongly believe that a hard work ethic and determinat­ion will allow me to chase and achieve my dreams so that I may carry out this future. I owe many thanks to my family, friends and all of the other influences in my life that have always encouraged me to follow my dreams and shoot for the stars. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me.

 ??  ?? Hemming
 ??  ?? Davenport
 ??  ?? Potter
 ??  ?? Creamer
 ??  ?? Coffman

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