Dayton Daily News

Dems’ mugging of Biden sends clear debate message

- Pat Buchanan Patrick Buchanan writes for Creators Syndicate.

In his opening statement at the Democratic debate in Detroit, Joe Biden addressed Donald Trump while pointing proudly to the racial and ethnic diversity of the nine Democrats standing beside him.

“Mr. President, this is America and we are strong and great because of this diversity, not in spite of it. ... We love it. We are here to stay. And we certainly are not going to leave it to you.”

Whereupon the other nine — three women, two African Americans, one Asian American and one Hispanic — began a multicultu­ral mugging of Biden that at times took on the aspect of a flash mob.

Said The Washington Post, Biden “faced relentless attacks on his decades-long Senate record on race and criminal justice, immigratio­n and health care, and his commitment to women’s rights.”

The 1994 crime bill, of which Sen. Biden was once proud and which cut U.S. crime rates for decades, was trashed as a reactionar­y and racist measure that led to the imprisonme­nt of countless thousands of black Americans who were guilty only of minor drug offenses.

Cory Booker called Joe the “architect of mass incarcerat­ion.”

Biden’s Senate friendship­s with segregatio­nists and opposition to busing to integrate the public schools came in for yet another hiding by Sen. Kamala Harris.

His support of President Barack Obama’s border policies that led to the deportatio­n of hundreds of thousands seeking asylum and entry into the country was denounced as heartless.

Did he never object in the Obama Cabinet meetings to what was happening to these unfortunat­es being turned back, Biden was asked?

For two hours, when the Democratic candidates were not attacking each other, they piled on Joe.

Kirsten Gillibrand, a self-described “white woman of privilege,” attacked him for a longago op-ed that warned that working women imperil the family.

He was attacked anew by Harris for having supported the Hyde Amendment that denies federal funding for abortions

The GOP has a new library of videos of Democratic fratricide, and sororicide.

Bottom line of the July Democratic debates: It seems astonishin­g how far the Democratic Party’s center of gravity has moved left.

Today, much of the career record of Biden — his opposition to busing, his credential­s as toughon-crime, his support for NAFTA, his backing of the Iraq War, his careerlong support of the Hyde Amendment — is seen not as a record to be ashamed of.

How do progressiv­es, many of whom regard Biden’s career as an embarrassm­ent, embrace him as their leader and agent of progressiv­e change if he wins the nomination?

Biden today seems to be the kind of candidate, like Congressma­n Joe Crowley of Queens whom Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ousted in a primary, that progressiv­es want to be done with.

After the July debates, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren sit in the second and third positions, with one of the two the almost certain beneficiar­y of a Biden fade. Yet, if the Democratic Party nominates either, are the American people ready to buy into a socialist agenda?

Are Americans looking for an alternativ­e to Trump who will abolish private health insurance, embrace open borders and offer free college tuition?

Where is the evidence of that?

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