Dayton Daily News

Bouncer’s story resonates with our readers


Our online story headlined, “Dayton shooting: Bouncer remained at his post, helping others” drew vigorous commentary on Facebook. The man working the door at Ned Peppers the night of the Oregon District shooting was credited with saving lives. Here are excerpts:

Ryan Roth: “Good guy with no gun stopped bad guy with gun long enough for police to arrive” would also make a great headline.

Ciara Rochelle Triplett: Ryan Roth, As soon as the gunman turned to face the bouncer, the cops were by the car shooting at him. The bouncer was guarding the door but it’s not like he was pushing him away and distractin­g him until the cops came. It was literally 1 second. Which is still heroic — he looked death in the face that day to save hundreds.

Craig GJ: I applaud his courage. He wouldn’t have to consider sacrificin­g his life for patrons if we had the courage to ban these weapons and start taking them off the streets.

Randy Caperton: Then what? What happens when a mad man decides to take a truck, van or car and plow down a crowded street like the Oregon District or a 4th of July parade? Do we ban cars? Look at London. They don’t have guns but knife attacks have skyrockete­d. Should we ban knives? You talk about banning assault weapons but the truth is assault weapons are already illegal. A true assault weapon is a rifle that will continue firing until the trigger is released. Placing a ban on “assault weapons” is placing a ban on semi-automatic weapons. Just what the left is begging for.

Andy Kruczyk: Banning guns will not do anything.

Craig GJ: Randy Caperton, why would a ban on semi-automatic weapons be a bad thing? Do you realize how many people have been murdered easily, and efficientl­y with these weapons? And for what? What do the rest of us gain? Certainly not freedom. It doesn’t have to be this way. Your argument that people will use knives or trucks is ridiculous. Of course they could, but it is much harder to kill a dozen people with a knife, but we’ll never remove all risk. However, we can remove this one. We could ban these weapons and start buying them back. It would make us dramatical­ly safer. Crying out for more guns or no ban on guns is cowardly.

Robin Poffenberg­er: I’m sure people like (the shooter) are not going to abide by the law. It’s against the law to kill people & that didn’t stop him.

Ashley O’Leary: Like they are successful­ly taking the drugs off the streets?

Teresa Ward Franklin: He needs commended and recognized for his courageous act. He is a true Hero the same as the police and all other responders.

Clinton McAtee: He’s a hero. He placed his well being on the line to make sure others were able to get to a safe place. I salute this guy.

Tom Fulton: Bouncers should be allowed to carry.

Robert Gast: He left the door open so people outside could seek cover in the building, he’s a hero!

Lucy Figner: This gentlemen handled it perfectly.

Megan Amare: We need to line up and give this guy hugs.

Scott Johnson: I give him props for being brave enough to take a gun off a dead body while 6 police officers are within 20 feet weapons still drawn. I get it was brave to a point and he helped radio so others knew to run out the back but I’m gonna call him lucky those Dayton cops didn’t shoot him when he grabbed that gun.

Sheryl Davis Dear: Thankful for his quick actions! He saved lives and is a true hero!

Josph Rokcs: He should get the medal of freedom.

LaToya McGraw: #salute #courageous #hero

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