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Bloomberg’s ‘apology’ for stop-and-frisk is convenient

- Charles Blow

Michael Bloomberg recently apologized for the racist stop-and-frisk policy that ballooned during his terms as mayor of New York City. Speaking at the Christian Cultural Center, a black megachurch in Brooklyn, Bloomberg said:

“Over time, I’ve come to understand something that I long struggled to admit to myself: I got something important wrong. I got something important really wrong. I didn’t understand that back then the full impact that stops were having on the black and Latino communitie­s. I was totally focused on saving lives, but as we know, good intentions aren’t good enough. Now, hindsight is 20/20. But, as crime continued to come down as we reduced stops, and as it continued to come down during the next administra­tion, to its credit, I now see that we could and should have acted sooner and acted faster to cut the stops. I wish we had. I’m sorry that we didn’t. But, I can’t change history. However today, I want you to know that I realize back then I was wrong, and I’m sorry.”

This is a necessary apology, but a hard one to take, coming only now, as he considers a run for the Democratic nomination, a nomination that is nearly impossible to secure without the black vote.

It feels like the very definition of pandering.

It is impossible for me to take seriously Bloomberg’s claim that he didn’t understand the impact that stopand-frisk was having on black and brown communitie­s when he was in office.

I believe that he knew very well, and understood clearly, the pain that he was causing, but he was making a collateral damage argument: Because there was crime and many of those committing those crimes were born with black or brown skin, all those with that skin should be presumed guilty until proven innocent.

That feels like the very definition of racism.

It is important to remember that racism can exist in the absence of malice, that this dragnet presumptio­n of guilt, even if well intentione­d, amounted to a systemic racism to which Bloomberg was not only apathetic, but zealous about.

It is also hard to take his apology seriously because as recently as January he was still vigorously defending the policy, making the incredulou­s and insulting claim that during the execution of stopand-frisk “we certainly did not pick somebody by race.”

Bloomberg’s cynicism here is staggering.

But, this is something that black voters must contend with: politician­s who do harm through policy to black communitie­s, then come forward with admissions and contrition when they need black people’s votes.

I haven’t forgotten that it was just this year, as he was about to enter the race, that

Joe Biden finally offered a full apology for the disastrous 1994 crime bill that wreaked havoc on the black community, after having defended the bill for years. Biden offered his apology at the National Action Network’s Martin Luther King Jr. breakfast.

Bloomberg needed to apologize. But the apology is not for the sake of the hundreds of thousands of young black and brown men subjected to his millions of stops. There, the damage is done. The grip of a strange man’s hands, with the power of a badge and gun, groping their bodies will stay with them. The personal, physical trauma and violation that he endorsed will linger for a lifetime.

Bloomberg needed to apologize so that the truth could be told: New York violated the rights and bodies of a generation of black and brown boys and men at the eager, willful insistence of its mayor.

Black voters — and all Democratic voters — must ask themselves: Is Bloomberg the antidote to what ails America on race and criminal justice, or is he one of its vectors?

Charles Blow writes for the New York Times. Gail Collins’ column will return.

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