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GOP senator bothered by McConnell’s vow

Interview about impeachmen­t trial hints at party fissure.

- Zach Montague ©2019 The New York Times

— Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, expressed unease in an interview broadcast Tuesday with the Senate majority leader’s vow of “total coordinati­on” with the White House on impeachmen­t proceeding­s against President Donald Trump, a potentiall­y significan­t crack in Republican unity.

Murkowski, a moderate with an independen­t streak, told Anchorage’s NBC affiliate KTUU she opposed “being hand in glove with the defense” and voiced other concerns as the Senate prepares to hold a trial over the two articles of impeachmen­t that the House approved earlier this month.

Murkowski’s views could prove important. She rarely speaks publicly against Republican leadership, but when she does, she tends to stick with her positions, as when she opposed the confirmati­on of Justice Brett Kavanaugh and helped torpedo a repeal of the Affordable Care Act. She also tends to bring Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, a fellow moderate, with her, and only a handful of defections would force the majority leader, Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., to switch course on the upcoming impeachmen­t trial.

In the interview, Murkowski said she was “disturbed” by comments by McConnell that indicated he intends to work in concert with the White House counsel in planning the impeachmen­t trial.

Murkowski said, “To me it means that we have to take that step back from being hand in glove with the defense, and so I heard what leader McConnell had said, I happened to think that that has further confused the process.”

Murkowski said she felt that House Democrats had made a mistake in forging ahead with impeachmen­t so quickly without potentiall­y valuable testimony from top White House officials such as former national security adviser John Bolton, and Mick Mulvaney, the acting chief of staff.

“If the House truly believed that they had informatio­n that was going to be important, they subpoena them, and if they ignore the subpoena as they did, at the direction of the White House, then that next step is to go to the courts,” she said.

Senate Democrats are pressing to include testimony at the trial from Bolton and Mulvaney, and support from Murkowski would be critical.

On Dec. 10, a federal judge pushed off a decision on such testimony, responding to a lawsuit by Charles Kupperman, another White House official, who asked the courts to decide whether the House could compel him to testify after he defied a House subpoena in October. The case was expected to provide clarity on whether other officials such as Bolton would have to testify as well.

Instead of prolonging the process, House Democrats moved forward with articles of impeachmen­t based on evidence already collected, formally accusing Trump of abuse of power and obstructio­n of Congress. In a Senate trial to consider removing Trump from office, the evidentiar­y standards would be considerab­ly higher than impeachmen­t, which is akin to an indictment.

Democrats argue that Bolton and Mulvaney have firsthand knowledge of the president’s efforts to force Ukraine’s president to help his re-election by publicly announcing an investigat­ion of Trump’s Democratic rivals. Bolton described the machinatio­ns around military aid to Ukraine as a “drug deal,” while Mulvaney would likely understand how Trump’s desire for a Ukrainian investigat­ion of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter was connected to a suspension of military assistance for the country’s ongoing war with Russia-backed separatist­s.

Murkowski also said she felt that McConnell, who has been meeting privately with White House counsel

Pat Cipollone in preparatio­n for the trial, had himself contribute­d to what she sees as the larger problems with the way Trump’s impeachmen­t has been conducted.

In a Christmas message sent out Wednesday, Trump wished Americans well, briefly ignoring the impeachmen­t drama after lamenting his treatment by Democrats throughout the process for much of Christmas Eve.

“While the challenges that face our country are great, the bonds that unite us as Americans are much stronger,” Trump said in the letter.

As the Senate moves ahead with a trial, Murkowski is one of a small number of Republican­s who has not publicly dismissed the case against the president, and says she remains open to considerin­g the case on its merits.

“If it means that I am viewed as one who looks openly and critically at every issue in front of me rather than acting as a rubber stamp for my party or my president, I’m totally good with that,” she said.

 ?? THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) expressed qualms with Mitch McConnell’s plan to coordinate with the White House on an impeachmen­t trial.
THE NEW YORK TIMES Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) expressed qualms with Mitch McConnell’s plan to coordinate with the White House on an impeachmen­t trial.

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