Dayton Daily News

New tricks given for product placement

- Tiffany Hsu

First came product placement. In exchange for a payment, whether in cash, supplies or services, a TV show or a film would prominentl­y display a brand-name product.

Then there was virtual product placement. Products or logos would be inserted into a show during editing, thanks to computer-generated imagery.

Now, with the rise of Netflix and other streaming platforms, the practice of working brands into shows and films is likely to get more sophistica­ted. In the near future, according to marketing executives who have had discussion­s with streaming companies, the products that appear on screen may depend on who is watching.

In other words, a viewer known to be a whiskey drinker could see a billboard for a liquor brand in the background of a scene, while a teetotaler watching the same scene might see a billboard for a fizzy water company.

Streaming services could also drop in brand-name products based on when a show is being watched. Someone who watches a streaming show in the morning could see a carton of orange juice within a character’s reach, while a different viewer watching the same thing in the afternoon could see a can of soda.

It could start within a year, said Stephan Beringer, chief executive of Mirriad, a virtual product placement company that has worked brands including Pepsi, Geico and Sherwin-Williams into ABC’s “Modern Family,” CBS’ “How I Met Your Mother” and the Univision program “El Dragón.”

Streaming services are more likely than traditiona­l TV companies to pull off this specially targeted version of product placement because they have direct access to far more informatio­n on their customers. With every click of the remote, viewers tell the services something about themselves, informatio­n that can be used to determine which products might appeal to them.

This supercharg­ed version of digital product placement is being developed at a time when the marketing business — which bet big on TV commercial­s for decades — needs new tricks to grab attention of ad-hating cord-cutters.

Beringer, the head of Mirriad, said the current digital product placement technology has been successful enough to suggest that a bespoke version is a logical next step.

“Viewers have been educated to look away from advertisin­g,” he said. “But we’re putting something in that contextual­ly makes sense. If you do it well, and it’s not annoying, it can work.”

Through digital video services like Hulu and YouTube, companies are already able to target viewers based on informatio­n about their ages, their locations, where they like to shop and other details. Some of the data is collected by the platforms themselves, others by outside data companies. And now streaming services are mulling how to make use of that informatio­n to create tailored product placements.

“Just like there’s no reason that all viewers of a program need to see the same advertisem­ent, there’s no reason that they all need see the same brand integratio­n or crossover campaign,” said David A. Schweidel, a marketing professor at Emory University.

Streaming platforms are trying out other advertisin­g innovation­s, too. Hulu, a platform controlled by the Walt Disney Company, has ads that appear when a viewer hits the pause button. Last week, it rolled out specialize­d ads for people who are binging on three or more episodes of a show, with commercial­s for Kellogg’s, Maker’s Mark and Georgia-Pacific.

This year, Walmart-owned streaming service Vudu enabled so-called shoppable ads on internet-connected television­s. With a click of the remote on the words “Add to Cart,” customers are able to drop an advertised product into their queue.

On the Roku Channel, a streaming channel on the company’s digital media player, viewers can click on certain commercial­s to request an email or text with details about the product on display. Roku, which spent $150 million this fall buying software provider Dataxu to help companies plan and buy ad campaigns, then shares insights about the audience with the company behind the ad.

“Consumers are so much more empowered today to flip the dial, to change the channel, and many of the things they could switch to don’t have advertisin­g at all,” said Scott Rosenberg, a senior vice president at Roku. “It’s incumbent on platforms and apps that are ad-supported to work harder at how they put ads in front of the consumer.”

Virtual product placement companies like Mirriad and its rival Ryff said they are talking with streaming services about using data to customize product placements to viewers. Mirriad and Ryff would not name their potential partners.

Product placement is appealing to streaming services because it allows them to work with companies without interrupti­ng a show with commercial­s. Hulu, which comes in a low-cost ad-supported version and also has a commercial-free option for subscriber­s willing to pay more, said that so-called brand integratio­ns on its platform have been far more effective than 30-second commercial­s at raising viewers’ interest in products.

Some skeptics say virtual product placements based on viewer preference­s may turn out to be one of those innovation­s that does not catch on. A few well-placed TV commercial­s and billboards are likely to reach the same number of people with less trouble, said Joe Maceda, an executive at the media agency Mindshare.

“It’s hard to know if the juice is worth the squeeze,” he said.

The possibilit­ies of individual­ized product placement were on display in “Bandersnat­ch,” an extended installmen­t of the Netflix series “Black Mirror,” a speculativ­e fiction show that specialize­s in horrifying tales of invasive technologi­es and exploitati­ve digital companies.

“Bandersnat­ch” was interactiv­e. Viewers determined how the story, set in 1980s Britain, unfolded by clicking on choices presented to them at various forks in the narrative road. Early on, the film asked viewers to choose between two breakfast cereals, Quaker Sugar Puffs or Kellogg’s Frosties. Their selection determined which one would appear in a commercial shown on a TV set in the background of a scene later in the film.

Sugar Puffs and Frosties were not included as part of an ad, Netflix said, but rather as a way for the “Black Mirror” creators to enhance the film’s 1980s setting. Netflix was not paid by the cereal companies.

But all those remotes clicking on one cereal or the other provided Netflix with data on its subscriber­s’ preference­s. Reed Hastings, Netflix chief executive, cited “Bandersnat­ch” during a webcast timed to an earnings report this year. Holding up two boxes of cereal, he announced that 73% of “Bandersnat­ch” viewers had selected Kellogg’s Frosties.

The other executives on the webcast chuckled.

“The most critical data point of the quarter!” joked Spencer Wang, a vice president.

Netflix, which does not run commercial­s, said it would not use the informatio­n it had gleaned from “Bandersnat­ch,” saying in a statement that “the privacy of our members is a top priority.”

But marketing executives like Ricky Ray Butler, chief executive of product placement company Branded Entertainm­ent Network, are enthusiast­ic about the possibilit­y of inserting brandname products into streaming shows based on data generated by interactiv­e programmin­g. Actually being able to do so, he said, may still be a long way off.

“The world’s not ready for it yet,” he said. “We’re just at the tip of the iceberg.”

 ?? DREAMSTIME ?? With the rise of Netflix and other streaming platforms, the practice of working brands into shows and films is likely to get more sophistica­ted.
DREAMSTIME With the rise of Netflix and other streaming platforms, the practice of working brands into shows and films is likely to get more sophistica­ted.

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