Dayton Daily News

Two kicked out of National Guard over extremist ties

Report alleged both men were leaders of Norse pagan group.


Two men have been kicked out of the Army National Guard after liberal activists uncovered their membership in a religious group with white supremacis­t ties.

Brandon Trent East told The Atlanta Journal-Constituti­on that the Alabama National Guard sent him a separation notice on Dec. 14.

A spokeswoma­n for the Georgia National Guard said Dalton Woodward is no longer a member. She declined to comment on the terms of Woodward’s separation.

Woodward didn’t respond to a request for comment left with his friend East.

Earlier in 2019, the Atlanta Antifacist­s group published a report saying East and Woodward were leaders of the Norse pagan group Ravensbloo­d Kindred. The group is part of the Asatru Folk Assembly, which researcher­s say endorses white supremacy.

Haralson County Sheriff Eddie Mixon earlier forced East to resign as a jailer.

When the report was published, Woodward was on active duty in Afghanista­n.

Woodward’s unit returned from deployment in June and an investigat­ion into his connection­s with white supremacy concluded in October.

The military has struggled in recent years to root out members of white supremacis­t organizati­ons or sympathize­rs with white power causes.

A spokesman for the Alabama National Guard said East has 45 days to contest the findings. East said the Army recommends a general discharge. That’s a step down from a traditiona­l honorable discharge, indicating unacceptab­le conduct not in accord with military standards.

East contends he is not a racist, and is just interested in worshiping the way his ancestors did centuries ago.

“The whole race thing started with me finding Asatru or Odinism or whatever you want to call it and seeing that as a better option than Christiani­ty as a spirituali­ty,” he said.

East and Woodward attended a 2017 speech by white nationalis­t Richard Spencer at Auburn University. Photos show the men carrying signs.

“The existence of our people is not negotiable,” East’s sign read. Woodward’s sign read, “We have a right to exist.”

Both echo the so-called “14 words” motto popular among white supremacis­ts who say non-white groups are displacing whites.

“I just went there because at the time I heard he was talking about the recent removal of Confederat­e monuments. That’s something I wanted to hear,” East said. “And it turned into a something a little worse obviously.”

Along with his jailer job, East said the resulting attention has cost him other jobs, as well as friends and family members.

He minimized his contact on social media with neo-Nazis and white supremacis­ts. He said he stays away from those that are “Hitler worshipy.”

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