Dayton Daily News

In Moscow, impeachmen­t drama seen as vindicatio­n

- Rachel Marsden Rachel Marsden writes for Tribune Media. Marc A. Thiessen’s column will return.

Images of U.S. President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, have been prominentl­y featured in Russian media lately after Giuliani’s latest trip to Ukraine.

In Moscow, Trump’s impeachmen­t inquiry is viewed as the result of U.S. politician­s on both sides of the aisle willingly wading into the mud bath of Ukrainian corruption, only to drown in it. People here see the impeachmen­t drama as vindicatio­n, with the U.S. policy of backing Ukraine in order to oppose Russia finally blowing up in America’s face.

Trump had asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to engage directly with his pal Giuliani to dig up dirt on the leading Democratic contender for the 2020 presidenti­al election, former Vice President Joe Biden.

Giuliani has doubled down on his meddling in Ukraine, relying on corrupt Ukrainians to help him make the case that other corrupt Ukrainians were in bed with the Obama White House. Giuliani claims Ukraine was so corrupt that Trump had no choice but to investigat­e — not through America’s democratic institutio­ns, which have the authority to address alleged corruption between domestic and foreign officials, but through Giuliani personally.

The message being conveyed on Russian TV talk shows, as clips of Giuliani loom large in the background, is that Giuliani has found widespread corruption in Ukraine. Such reports come as a surprise to absolutely no one in Russia. What does raise eyebrows here, however, is that someone working with the Ukrainians on behalf of the president of the United States is publicly screaming about it. The reports about Giuliani’s dealings provide an opening for Russian officials to call into question U.S. support of Ukraine.

But for Russia, America’s selectivit­y in either fueling or fighting corruption, as opportunis­m dictates, is symptomati­c of the U.S. government’s willingnes­s to tilt the global economic playing field based on questionab­le criteria.

For example, another issue dominating the headlines here is one of critical economic importance to Russia. The U.S. Congress has approved a defense appropriat­ions bill (which Trump is expected to sign) sanctionin­g European companies involved in completing the Nord

Stream 2 pipeline. The pipeline will transport natural gas from Russia to Europe and will ultimately strengthen Russia-Europe ties. However, it also damages Ukraine, since the pipeline would allow Russia to deliver its gas to Europe without having to pay Ukraine $3 billion in annual transit fees.

Nord Stream 2 has become a major economic threat to the U.S., because when Russia can sell its gas directly to Europe, it will undercut U.S. plans to ship natural gas to Europe via Germany’s newly built liquefied natural gas terminals. So, right on cue, here come the national security excuses related to a project on the other side of the globe.

Undersecre­tary of State for Political Affairs David Hale said during a Senate committee hearing earlier this month that Nord Stream 2’s completion would “create another tool for the Kremlin to use Russia’s energy resources to divide Europe, and undermine and destabiliz­e Ukraine.”

Statements like that are becoming an increasing­ly tough sell in Europe and obviously irritate Russia. The impression here in Moscow is that much of the global instabilit­y emanates from a schizophre­nic and hypocritic­al U.S. foreign policy that’s a reflection of the bipartisan political dysfunctio­n playing out in America.

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