Dayton Daily News

Political influence of the rich deserves discussion

- Paul Krugman Paul Krugman writes for the New York Times.

Elizabeth Warren has been getting a lot of grief in the media lately. Some of it, no doubt, reflects campaign missteps. But much of it is a sort of visceral negative reaction to her criticisms of the excessive influence of big money in politics — a reaction that actually vindicates her point.

It’s true that earlier in her career Warren, like just about everyone else, did fund-raisers with wealthy donors. So? Charges of inconsiste­ncy — “you said X, now you say Y” — are all too often a journalist­ic dodge, a way to avoid dealing with the substance of what a candidate says. Politician­s should, after all, change their minds when there’s good reason.

The question should be, was Warren right to announce, back in February, that she would halt high-dollar fund-raisers? More broadly, is she right that the wealthy have too much political influence?

And the answer to the second question is surely yes.

The first thing you need to know about the very rich is that they are, politicall­y, different from you and me. Don’t be fooled by the handful of prominent liberal or liberal-ish billionair­es; systematic studies of the politics of the ultrawealt­hy show they are conservati­ve, obsessed with tax cuts, opposed to environmen­tal and financial regulation, eager to cut social programs.

The second thing is that the rich often get what they want, even when most of the public want the opposite.

Why do a small number of rich people exert so much influence in what is supposed to be a democracy? Campaign contributi­ons are only part of the story. Equally if not more important is the network of billionair­e-financed think tanks, lobbying groups and so on that shapes public discourse. And then there’s the revolving door: It’s depressing­ly normal for former officials from both parties to take jobs with big banks, corporatio­ns and consulting firms, and the prospect of such employment can’t help but influence policy while they’re still in office.

Last but not least, media coverage of policy issues all too often seems to reflect the views of the wealthy.

Unemployme­nt in the United States is at a historical low, just 3.5% — and we’re achieving that without any sign of runaway inflation, which tells us we were capable of this kind of performanc­e all along. Remember when people like Jamie Dimon, the chief executive of JPMorgan Chase, told us that high unemployme­nt was inevitable because of a

“skills gap”? They were wrong.

Why didn’t we recover faster? The most important reason was fiscal austerity — spending cuts, supposedly to reduce the budget deficit, that exerted a steady drag on the economy from 2010 onward. But who was obsessed with budget deficits? Voters in general weren’t — but surveys indicate that even when the unemployme­nt rate was above 8% the wealthy considered budget deficits a bigger problem than lack of jobs.

Which brings me back to the 2020 campaign. You may disagree with progressiv­e ideas coming from Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders, which is fine. But the news media owes the public a serious discussion of these ideas, not dismissal shaped by reflexive “centrist bias” and the assumption that any policy rich people dislike must be irresponsi­ble.

And when candidates talk about the excessive influence of the wealthy, that subject also deserves serious discussion, not the cheap shots we’ve been seeing lately.

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