Dayton Daily News

A black mayor who helped launch post-civil rights era

- Clarence Page Clarence Page writes for the Chicago Tribune. Email address:

He was last of the firsts. That’s probably how Richard Gordon Hatcher, one of the nation’s first black elected big-city mayors, most often will be remembered.

Hatcher died last month at age 86 in Chicago. He was elected mayor of Gary, Indiana, at age 34 on Nov. 7, 1967, the same day as Cleveland’s Carl Stokes, who died in 1996.

Both made history as the first black men to be elected mayors of American cities with more than 100,000 population. Now both are gone. Hatcher was the last of “the firsts” as a black mayor.

Now, at a time in which we actually look back at the election of the nation’s first black president as a moment in history, this is an appropriat­e time for us Americans to ponder Hatcher’s legacy and Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous question: “Where do we go from here?”

For 20 years — or five terms in office — Hatcher tried in vain to curb poverty and blight in Gary, a steel town that already was losing its jobs, tax base and population at an alarming rate in the national steel crisis of the 1960s and ’70s.

The steel town founded in 1906 by U.S. Steel Chairman Elbert H. Gary surged up and plummeted down as its industry did through boom-and-bust cycles.

Hatcher was a central figure in the historical event known as the National Black Political Convention or the “Gary Convention,” in March 1972. I remember it as the biggest gathering of black political leaders that I had ever seen.

Among others, there were Jackson, Coretta Scott King, Rep. Shirley Chisholm, D-N.Y., who was running for president, and Black Panther leader Bobby Seale. Entertaine­rs James Brown and Harry Belafonte performed, and Muhammad Ali served as a sergeant-at-arms.

The convention was intended to develop a “black agenda” of some sort to answer King’s question of where the movement would go from here. Some interestin­g debates were held on the value of integrated coalition-building vs. go-it-alone black nationalis­m. But the document that they produced was long-winded and eloquently vague, in my view. It offered just enough of an ambitious agenda to allow everyone to say they were energized and eager to take the next steps toward black empowermen­t.

Still, it is important to remember the times. The post-civil rights era had set in. Racially segregated public facilities were no longer legal. But bread-and-butter issues such as jobs, schools, housing and child nutrition were rising in importance ...

Although the agenda produced by the black convention called for

African Americans to break away into more separate black-focused political organizati­ons, Hatcher became more involved in the Democratic Party, serving as vice chairman of the National Democratic Committee and leader of Jackson’s two presidenti­al campaigns in the 1980s.

Hatcher’s legacy as a “first” is valuable today for the lessons it offers to new generation­s of ambitious politician­s, particular­ly those who follow in the mold of, say, Chicago’s late Mayor Harold Washington or former President Barack Obama.

“You can run as a black person in a majority-white jurisdicti­on,” Ravi Perry, chair of Howard University’s political science department, said on NPR’s “All Things Considered” after Hatcher’s death, “and not run away from your blackness and still win.”

Indeed, as the years since Hatcher’s mayoralty turn into decades, his most important lessons may be not in how well he served as a leader of African Americans but how effectivel­y he was able to win the cooperatio­n of others.

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