Dayton Daily News

Education choice may help shift black vote to the right

- Star Parker

Sometimes the timing of events is so auspicious that it is hard to attribute it to coincidenc­e.

The week of Jan. 26 is National School Choice week.

First observed in 2011, for the 10th time, events will take place around the nation focused on raising awareness about parental choice in K-12 education and the options available to parents and children.

A few days before National School Choice week, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, which will address the constituti­onality of the so-called Blaine Amendments, arguably the greatest obstacle to school choice the nation faces.

Named after Rep. James G. Blaine, who attempted but failed to enact a federal ban on funding religious schools, 37 states subsequent­ly adopted the provision in state constituti­ons.

In the case of Espinoza, the state of Montana passed a law allowing dollar-for-dollar tax credits for funds contribute­d to scholarshi­p programs parents could use for paying for education in private schools. In that some of these funds would be used for religious schools, the constituti­onality of the program was challenged, the state wound up trashing the whole program.

The hope of many, including me, is that the court will find the rationale behind the Blaine Amendments unconstitu­tional. It will be a victory for both religious freedom and education freedom.

It is perverse that the First Amendment, which is meant to guarantee religious freedom, has become a tool for discrimina­tion against religion.

After all, when public funds are available for education of any kind and some parents use those funds for a religious school, this is a private choice, not a government mandate. How can this in any way be understood as government establishi­ng religion? It most certainly interferes with “free exercise” of religion, which the First Amendment protects.

A decision wiping out the Blaine Amendment prohibitio­ns will also be another reason to congratula­te President Donald Trump, who has given us this solidly conservati­ve Supreme Court. It’s also another factor in why black voters may realign their political allegiance­s.

Education freedom is an issue that deeply divides

Republican­s and Democrats. And it is an issue on which blacks are more aligned with Republican­s.

In a May 2019 poll by Education Next, 70% of black Democrats expressed support for targeted vouchers, 60% for universal vouchers and 55% for charter schools.

It makes sense. Black parents understand the importance of education. Yet their kids are trapped in the worst public schools in the country.

Black parents understand the simple logic of education freedom and benefits of parents having power to choose where to send children to school.

President Trump is now advancing Education Freedom Scholarshi­ps, which would provide for up to $5 billion in annual tax credits for donations made to scholarshi­ps that fund education-choice opportunit­ies.

The Democratic presidenti­al candidates across the board want to slam the door on charter schools and education choice. They all see one answer to K-12 education: more federal dollars for public school monopolies. Democrats have their eye on political contributi­ons from teachers unions, not on what children, particular­ly black children, need.

Education could, and should, be a defining issue in 2020, and be what makes a critical difference in moving black votes into the Republican column.

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