Dayton Daily News

If it’s not acid reflux, what might it be?

- Keith Roach Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporat­e them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGood­Health@med. or send mail to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

DEAR DR. ROACH: Ina recent column, you wrote: “The acid reflux you have been treating might be something more concerning.” What else could it be? — C.P.

ANSWER: The symptoms of gastroesop­hageal reflux disease vary widely. Some people have heartburn and an acid taste in their mouth after eating a provocativ­e meal, such as one that’s large or has a lot of fat. However, other people may cough or experience a small amount of regurgitat­ion; still others note chest discomfort. Since the symptoms vary so widely and GERD is so common (20% of the Western world), symptoms are often attributed to GERD that might actually be coming from other conditions.

Angina pectoris, the sensation of chest discomfort or pain from poor blood flow to the heart, is often misattribu­ted to GERD.

Esophageal and gastric cancer can be misdiagnos­ed by both patient and physician as GERD. Diseases of the esophagus may also be incorrectl­y ascribed to GERD, such as mechanical blockages of the esophagus (rings and webs) and neurologic­al abnormalit­ies (motility disorders like achalasia).

Both patients and physicians need to be aware that what seems like reflux might not be. People with symptoms that recur, last too long or have atypical characteri­stics should consider a diagnostic test, including an upper endoscopy.

DEAR DR. ROACH: Can you write about the risk/ reward of taking 1 mg finasterid­e daily for life. I’m 68 and now see thinning of my hair and less hair per inch, front and top. I’m considerin­g going the way of my brother and some friends and trying it. Supposedly, this product stops hair loss and prompts new growth in over 80% of users, rarely with side effects. With boomers aging, finasterid­e/ Propecia is becoming more popular. — J.J.

ANSWER: Finasterid­e, sold as Propecia 1 mg for hair loss, is also used (as Proscar 5 mg) for enlarged prostate. It blocks the formation of a type of testostero­ne, dihydrotes­tosterone, which is responsibl­e for both hair loss and enlargemen­t of the prostate in men.

Eighty percent benefit is a bit better than the data actually show. About 2/3 of men on finasterid­e showed overall improvemen­t (only 1% actually lost hair) in a placebo-controlled study; 7% of the placebo group got better, and a third had significan­t loss. The hair tended to be darker and thicker, and about half of men were satisfied with their hair after treatment.

The major side effect affects sexual function — about 1.5% of men noted this side effect. In some cases, the sexual side effects persisted even after stopping the medication. Other side effects were rare.

The cost is an issue, but many physicians prescribe the 5 mg tablets with instructio­ns to break into 1/4 tablets.

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