Dayton Daily News

John Bolton gets the last laugh as Trump’s bane

- Frank Bruni Frank Bruni writes for the New York Times.

President Trump’s reaction to the leak of incriminat­ing details in John Bolton’s forthcomin­g book shocked me. Not the part where Trump said that Bolton was making up a Ukraine quid pro quo in the service of the best-seller list — that he was lying for lucre. Trump sees that transactio­n everywhere he looks: he sees it first and foremost in the mirror.

No, I was surprised that Trump didn’t dispute knowing Bolton, or at least didn’t say that he was so slightly acquainted with his own former national security adviser that he couldn’t pick him out of a lineup. That’s Trump’s favorite ploy. Ask Michael Cohen, Anthony Scaramucci, Prince Andrew, Stormy Daniels, Gordon Sondland, Lev Parnas. Fall into disrepute, cross Trump or claim to have the goods on him and you’re wiped clean from his memory.

Bolton is the impeachmen­t star, whether he winds up testifying or not, and I can’t shake the feeling that he plotted all of this out: keeping his head down during the hearings in the House; letting it be known only afterward that he’d be willing to testify in the Senate; the revelation this week — simultaneo­us with assertions by Trump’s defense team that there were no firsthand witnesses to the president’s wrongdoing — that his book indeed addresses Ukraine and backs up the charges in the articles of impeachmen­t.

Bolton has always been vain, brilliant and ruthless, and this is the timeline that a vain, brilliant and ruthless operator would cinch.

Trump can’t dismiss Bolton’s account of events as partisan. Bolton’s conservati­ve credential­s prove otherwise. Trump can’t bellow “deep state,” not when he handpicked Bolton at a stage of his presidency when he’d already become sensitive to that supposedly pernicious force. All Trump can do is command his Senate GOP minions to fall in line. Sadly, most of them will.

Don’t be impressed by the possibilit­y that now — and, I stress, only now — some Senate Republican­s may press for witnesses, including Bolton. This isn’t a stirring of conscience. It’s a cloaking of humiliatio­n. If they ignore Bolton, their still-unshaken commitment to acquitting Trump becomes even more naked.

Besides, hearing from witnesses wouldn’t erase GOP senators’ awful behavior to this point: all the ugly gloating from the likes of Lindsey Graham that Adam Schiff ’s undeniable eloquence was for naught; Marsha Blackburn’s pathologic­ally exuberant attacks on the integrity of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman; Martha McSally’s disgracefu­l sniping at a perfectly polite TV reporter (“liberal hack,” she spewed) and then her cynical use of that

Trumpian outburst to raise money for her re-election. This is sycophancy at its most shameful.

Scratch that superlativ­e: I was forgetting Mike Pompeo. According to The Times’s scoop about Bolton’s book, he writes that Pompeo, too, was aware of the Ukraine pressure campaign — the same Pompeo who did nothing to stop the vilificati­on of Marie Yovanovitc­h; the same Pompeo who promoted the debunked conspiracy theory that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election; the same Pompeo who once warned that Trump would be “an authoritar­ian president who ignored our Constituti­on” and then, when Trump gave him a really neat job, decided that a little authoritar­ianism never hurt anyone.

Bolton, meanwhile, is probably feeling pretty content. He knows how badly the Trump presidency will be judged and has positioned himself on the right side of history — this time around. Maybe bitterness brought him here, maybe ego, maybe this quaint old thing called patriotism. He survived Trump. I’d read that book.

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