Dayton Daily News

It’s time for the degraded Senate to try to heal itself

- George F. Will George F. Will writes for The Washington Post.

Shortly before the Senate, sitting as an impeachmen­t court, contemplat­ed the president’s misbehavio­r, it demonstrat­ed its own flair for disregardi­ng rules and violating norms. Done with bipartisan bonhomie, the episode illuminate­s the decay of government.

Bill Clinton’s finest achievemen­t as president, the North American Free Trade Agreement, passed in 1993 with more Senate and House support from Republican­s (34 and 132) than from Democrats (27 and 102). Many Democrats predicted devastatio­n of U.S. manufactur­ing. Today manufactur­ing capacity is 66% larger than in 1994. Undeterred by evidence, Trump termed NAFTA “the worst trade deal ever.”

As president he is replacing it with the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, which is remarkably similar to NAFTA, with two significan­t exceptions: It is


the first U.S. trade agreement designed to decrease trade, and it is larded with Democratic policy objectives.

As Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., notes, under NAFTA there were zero tariffs on 100% of manufactur­ed goods and 97.5% of agricultur­al products that crossed the three nations’ borders. U.S. exports to Mexico increased 500%. The USMCA’s constructi­ve modernizat­ions of NAFTA are, Toomey says, “mostly taken from the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p,” which was negotiated by the Obama administra­tion, and for that reason was anathema to Trump. His scrapping of the TPP was a gift to China.

The USMCA ends free trade in automobile­s and auto parts with Mexico: By imposing impossible minimum-wage requiremen­ts on Mexican factories, the USMCA guarantees that cars and parts will be subject to tariffs — taxes paid by U.S. consumers.

The USMCA’s substance is regrettabl­e. The process that produced it was more so because it was lawless.

Agreements that fully comply with the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) cannot be amended and can be passed by a simple majority. But the USMCA did not comply: The implementi­ng legislatio­n was not submitted to Congress 30 days before a committee or floor vote on it, a requiremen­t necessary if Congress is to perform its constituti­onal duty to establish trade policy.

The Senate and its once-formidable Finance Committee are, Toomey believes, being “marginaliz­ed” and made “irrelevant” as the executive wields authority delegated to it by Congress — but without Congress insisting on compliance with the terms of the delegation. The question, Toomey says, is: “Are we willing to enforce our own law that governs this body?”

Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., felt similarly in December when Congress “passed a $1.4 trillion spending extravagan­za, complete with half a trillion dollars in tax cuts and a bevy of favors for special interests — all without debate and without committee considerat­ion.” The $300 billion “Cadillac tax,” a restraint on lavish employer-provided health plans, was repealed. This demonstrat­ed Congress cannot repeal Obamacare but will not pay for it. Amendments were not allowed, and the Senate voted on the bill less than three days after it was unveiled.

In the 116th Congress, now in its second year, there have been, Toomey notes, votes on just 20 amendments. The president’s institutio­nal vandalism is partially explained, although not excused, by the breadth and depth of his ignorance concerning the manners and mores of a republic. The Senate’s self-degradatio­n is even more depressing.

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