Dayton Daily News

Sen. Sanders too often sees only what he wants to see

- Jonah Goldberg

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who did not have a great performanc­e in last week’s Democratic debate, neverthele­ss said something interestin­g.

“We’re not going to throw out capitalism,” Bloomberg said. “We tried. Other countries tried that. It was called communism, and it just didn’t work.”

I’m unclear on when “we” — as in the United States — tried communism, but it was still good to hear a Democrat say something nice about capitalism.

Sen. Bernie Sanders didn’t like it though.

“Let’s talk about democratic socialism. Not communism, Mr. Bloomberg,” Sanders said. “That’s a cheap shot. Let’s talk about — let’s talk about what goes on in countries like Denmark ...”

Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist, has a point. It’s unfair to use the label “communist” to describe countries that adhere to social democracy (another way of saying democratic socialism, though there are ideologica­l debates about whether the terms are interchang­eable). That’s because the defining feature of social democracy (or democratic socialism) is democracy. Not only do social democratic nations hold elections, they abide by them. Moreover, democracie­s worthy of the name adhere to things like constituti­onal rights and human rights — including property rights — and the rule of law.

None of these things apply to communist countries such as China under Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro’s Cuba or the old Soviet Union. Those countries were authoritar­ian or totalitari­an, hostile to human rights and contemptuo­us of democracy.

This, by the way, is an important point, since if the GOP has its way, the 2020 election will be a contest between socialism and capitalism, and a lot of people will throw around “communism” in much the same way Bloomberg did.

Still, there are some problems with Sanders’ answer — an answer he has used in various forms for years.

First, while it’s true that Sanders does not advocate communism, it’s also true that when communism was still a live propositio­n in the Soviet Union, Sanders lavished praise on it. It’s also true that he remains bizarrely fond of other non-democratic socialist regimes, including Cuba’s. So while he may not be proposing communism for the U.S. per se, the fact that Sanders isn’t horrified by communist countries should tell you something about how far he might like to take socialism here.

Sanders, who favors single-payer health care, routinely says we should follow the example of Scandinavi­an and other countries. He recently tweeted a list of 27 nations with universal health care. But National Review’s Ramesh Ponnuru pointed out that not one of the countries listed has single-payer health care.

It’s true that the Nordic countries used to be closer to what Sanders has in mind. But that was decades ago — back when Bernie was heaping praise on communist countries. Those government­s recognized that such policies were bad for the economy as a whole, and for the people too. Sure, some European countries have more generous welfare states and more progressiv­e taxation than we do. Most also have much worse unemployme­nt and economic growth. But all of that is grist for a different argument than the one Sanders offers. He has an impressive record of seeing only what he wants to see rather than what is — at home and abroad.

And it doesn’t seem like a cheap shot to me to point out that Sanders got the reality of communism wrong in the past and the rest of the world wrong in the present.

Jonah Goldberg is a syndicated columnist. Email address: goldbergco­lumn@

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