Dayton Daily News

Inside 3 days that remade Democratic primary

- By Julie Pace, Thomas Beaumont and Sara Burnett JEFF ROBERSON / AP

WASHINGTON — At Mike Bloomberg’s midtown Manhattan campaign headquarte­rs, a team of pollsters and analysts churned out multiple tranches of data each day on the state of the Democratic race. The sophistica­ted data operation was supposed to be the candidate’s not-so-secret weapon, giving Bloomberg an almost real-time look at voters’ preference­s in key states and allowing the campaign to rapidly move around its vast resources.

But after Joe Biden’s commanding victory in the South Carolina primary, the numbers moved too fast for Bloomberg’s money to catch up. Voters were rapidly flocking to the former vice president — so quickly that poll results were outdated almost as fast as they landed in the Bloomberg team’s inboxes.

“Even polls that were 24 hours old, 12 hours old were out of date,” said Kevin Sheekey, Bloomberg’s campaign manager.

Just three days after Biden’s South Carolina victory, 10 more states confirmed what Bloomberg and other candidates were seeing: a stunning consolidat­ion of support around Biden by a diverse swath of the Democratic electorate. Though Biden lost California, the night’s biggest prize, to Bernie Sanders, he closed the gap there significan­tly, allowing him to emerge from Super Tuesday with a lead in the all-important delegate count.

The 72 hours between the South Carolina primary and Super Tuesday pulled Biden back from the brink of eliminatio­n and propelled him to the front of the race for the Democratic nomination. His resurgence is one of the most remarkable turnabouts in modern American politics, and sets up a head-to-head competitio­n with Sanders over who is best to take on President Donald Trump in November.

Biden’s comeback was aided by rivals who stepped aside and urged their supporters to back him; by deep connection­s, particular­ly with black voters, built up over four decades in politics that helped him overcome significan­t gaps in his campaign operations in key states; and a growing fear among more moderate Democrats that Biden was the party’s last best hope to stop Sanders, a Vermont senator and self-described democratic socialist, from clinching the nomination.

This account of those three crucial days is based on interviews with a dozen campaign operatives and political allies of the candidates.

The morning after Biden’s thunderous, 30-point victory in South Carolina, the Democratic presidenti­al field descended on Selma, Alabama, to commemorat­e the bridge crossing where civil rights marchers were attacked in 1965.

One had already made a private decision to drop out of the race, and another was weighing whether to do the same.

Pete Buttigieg had spent

Saturday night huddled in his hotel room at a Hampton Inn in Americus, Georgia, on a conference call with top aides. One by one, Buttigieg’s aides gave their assessment: The road ahead was bleak.

It’s not where Buttigieg expected to find himself after effectivel­y tying Sanders in Iowa and finishing a close second in New Hampshire. But he didn’t get the burst of momentum out of those states that his campaign had hoped. And while his advisers had expected Biden to win in South Carolina, the margin of victory was surprising.

On the late-night conference call, Buttigieg’s advisers struggled to outline how he would emerge from Super Tuesday in solid position in the delegate count.

Buttigieg agreed with his team’s assessment: It was time to get out.

Senior campaign advisers hurriedly made plans for a concession speech back in Indiana, while Buttigieg dutifully pressed on through his schedule of events on Sunday, including the march in Selma. Between events, he called supporters to let them know his campaign was ending.

Chris Cabaldon, the mayor of West Sacramento, California, was among those who received a call. The candidate seemed a little “shaken,” Cabaldon said, but maintained he was comfortabl­e with his decision.

“I think it was pretty clear he felt not just at peace, but he had a new mission,” Cabaldon said.

Buttigieg also tried to reach Biden, but his team initially had the wrong telephone number. When the two men finally spoke, Buttigieg told the former vice president he was weighing an endorsemen­t, but didn’t make a firm commitment.

Guiding Buttigieg’s decision was a conversati­on he had earlier Sunday night with Barack Obama.

Obama congratula­ted Buttigieg on his campaign and counseled him on a possible endorsemen­t, according to a person with knowledge of the call. Obama didn’t push Buttigieg to endorse a specific candidate, but they talked through factors to consider.

By Monday morning, Buttigieg was ready to back Biden. His campaign quietly coordinate­d with Biden’s campaign, which sent a private plane to South Bend to ferry Buttigieg to Dallas for an endorsemen­t event.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar was also among the candidates who gathered in Selma. After a surprise third-place finish in New Hampshire and a sudden infusion of cash, her campaign was struggling to keep pace with the campaign’s intense primary calendar.

Klobuchar had spent Sunday morning talking with her own advisers about the path forward. The senator’s home state of Minnesota was among those voting on Super Tuesday, and the campaign’s internal polling showed Klobuchar ahead.

The way Klobuchar saw it, she had two choices: stay in to win Minnesota and relish in the glow of a home state victory, or drop out and help Biden win the state.

Klobuchar reached her decision in Selma, as she sat inside Brown Chapel A.M.E. Church.

Still, she hoped for one last rally in her home state before she announced her decision. It wasn’t to be.

Protesters interrupte­d Klobuchar’s campaign event at a suburban Minneapoli­s high school, calling on her to drop out over her handling of a 2002 murder case that sent a black 17-year-old to prison for life while she was a county prosecutor. The rally was abruptly canceled.

Klobuchar got back on the campaign’s charter plane and headed to Utah, where she had a morning event scheduled in Salt Lake City. But she left her aides with instructio­ns: Because time was running out before Super Tuesday, she wanted to hold one event to both announce the end of her campaign and appear with Biden to declare her support for the former vice president.

Campaign manager Justin Buoen and two other campaign aides started Googling where Biden would be on Monday. He had events in Texas, and a nighttime rally in Dallas seemed the most feasible.

Beyond logistics, there was an added bonus to picking the Dallas event. A joint Biden-Klobuchar rally was all but certain to be carried live on cable television.

And it was scheduled for the same time Sanders would be holding a rally in Minnesota.

For Biden, the three days between South Carolina and Super Tuesday were dizzying.

The campaign had been running on fumes through the opening months of the year. But Biden appeared more at home in South Carolina.

Heading into the Saturday primary, Biden’s campaign was hoping to pull out a win with a margin of victory in the double digits. Biden went on to carry the state by 30 points.

At campaign headquarte­rs in Philadelph­ia, phones began to ring. Establishm­ent Democrats who had held off endorsing and donors who had been sitting on the sidelines were suddenly expressing interest.

One of the centrist Democrats who had backed Biden in the lead-up to South Carolina was Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, whose state was among those voting on Super Tuesday.

When Kaine first announced his endorsemen­t and appeared with Biden, he sensed that many voters in Virginia were still undecided. But the morning after Biden’s South Carolina win, Kaine said the shift in his state was palpable.

On Super Tuesday, Biden’s margin of victory in Virginia was about as large as it was in South Carolina. His campaign had just one office in the state and had spent less than $200,000 on television advertisin­g compared with $12 million for Bloomberg.

By the next morning, Bloomberg, too, would be out of the race. Bloomberg’s path to the nomination was always contingent on a Biden collapse, and for weeks, the polling the data-driven billionair­e consumed backed up that bet. After South Carolina, the campaign’s polling showed the race was rapidly shifting away from Bloomberg. With no financial restrictio­ns, and significan­t resources already spent, the campaign decided to press forward to Super Tuesday.

By night’s end, Bloomberg wasn’t close to contention for any of the 14 states.

The former mayor arrived at his midtown campaign headquarte­rs by about 8 a.m. Wednesday for one last look at the data. He concluded that he, too, was getting out and endorsing Biden.

 ??  ?? Democratic presidenti­al candidate former Vice President Joe Biden waits to take the stage during a campaign rally Saturday in St. Louis.
Democratic presidenti­al candidate former Vice President Joe Biden waits to take the stage during a campaign rally Saturday in St. Louis.

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