Dayton Daily News

Another KKK rally? Readers share feelings


Terry IzzyRock Martin: They paying the bill this time?

Nancy Davis: Do we really have to allow this???

Rhea Smith: Should only be allowed if they plan to foot the security bill.

Todd Barnhart: If the problem is that this is a public space owned by the government, perhaps the county should sell it for, say, $1 to some ... philanthro­pic group; making the space go from “Public” to “Private” thus allowing whomever owned it to make their own rules ... like having to provide you own security, etc., at your own expense.

Nanette Scheve-Hall: Todd Barnhart, too many groups, with little to no resources use that space. 99% of the time they’re non-profits, public service events, etc. The problem isn’t that it’s a public space, the problem is the overestima­ted/exaggerate­d response in preparatio­n by city officials last year.

Joanne Dodge: Nanette Scheve-Hall, don’t you think that in this case it was better to over estimate than under-estimate??

Timothy Bell: Right! They acted like they were bringing the whole klan, lol.

Tammy Hugee: Stop coming to our city trying to cause DIVISION !!!!!! We are Dayton Strong and will remain that way — we don’t like hatred and division !!!! God don’t like ugly and we will not be divided. Our city has been through enough in 2019 and need to come together and stay together against negativity, violence and separation.

Nanette Scheve-Hall: Division is already quite prevalent. Make “Dayton strong” more than mere words.

Ken Smiddie: Hopefully, Nan Whaley and her administra­tion learned from last year and don’t spend a dime of tax payers money worrying about this. Just go about your lives, ignore the bigots, and they’ll come and go without a fuss.

Onyango Ohingo: Of course you’d have a different opinion if it was a group of radical Islamists. You can only choose to ignore what doesn’t harm you. The KKK wouldn’t come after you for obvious reasons; well, this isn’t the case for other Dayton residents who’ve historical­ly suffered at the hands of this group.

Frank Pearce: Freedom of speech means letting those that make your stomach turn over speak freely. Let them say stupid things and make a fool of themselves. When ignorant people talk, get out of the way and let them sound ignorant. We took an oath to protect everyone’s rights. Not just those we agree with.

Salah Abdeljabba­r: Why would they allow an out-of-state hate group to come here and spread their hate? I didn’t think anyone who lives in the county needs that.

ZaZa Bing: They have every right to rally just as Black Lives Matter or any other group. Why would you think you get to censor their constituti­onal rights? Not my choice of groups, but part of what makes us a great country is hearing everyone and allowing free and equal speech.

Thomas Sawyer: ZaZa Bing, exactly. Once you deny one group to voice their opinion or belief then you must deny everyone. I’d rather not have the KKK here ... but it’s my choice to not be there.

Sandra L Howard: What you all really need to do is ignore them. Starve them of the attention they crave. Deny them their inner thrill of getting you riled up. If no one came, they would not come back because they need you to be there.

Dennis Snyder: If you guys really want to make a statement ... don’t go... they will have no one to talk to and they can just talk to themselves like a crazy person...

Jeanne Gilday: Keep hate out of our state. Also, please protect us and keep us healthy, by limiting them from potentiall­y spreading any illness.

Susan Paul: If people and the city government would just ignore them, they will lose interest and leave. The only reason it cost so much the last time was because the city encouraged counter groups and called in all the different police department­s.

Linda Higgins Dixon Ballentine: Dayton has been through enough in the past year. They don’t need this.

Doug Miller: Nobody show up to protest! NOBODY! Show them and the world nobody cares! That would be the loudest strongest message! They NEED people to protest they NEED the TVcameras to show they are still relevant — if NOBODY CARED to show up, imagine what the headlines would say!!

Lindsay Morgan: We can’t ignore these people — they need to know that they are in the wrong. They will never go away and need to be reminded that there are more of us then there are of them.

Patty Rogers: If everyone turns their backs to their message, it’s a giant zero for them. Ignoring them extracts all their “power.”

Wendell Pai: Patty Rogers, but I think it is important to show the KKK’s intended targets that we have their back as well. No one counter-protesting can look like indifferen­ce or acquiescen­ce. I can see both sides. And I’ve done both. People should just think over what they truly believe is the best plan, and follow their conscience.

Patty Rogers: Wendell Pai, agreed. Too bad there isn’t a way to do both. Ooh, perhaps a silent protest with everyone with their backs to them. Makes a statement, yet supports the people they target. Although, I’m sure no one would feel safe turning their backs to them. Just a concept.

Bobby Glascoe: Freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Limit them then you have to limit everyone else, including Dems. Because equality.

Gabriel Schoenlein: Good. Another opportunit­y to show them that they’ll never have a foothold in Dayton.

Boyd Williams: Do not provide any security or police presence. They won’t be back!!

Clydette North: Make them pay for duty officers security. Then make them get a $50 million bond. Make them have the event surrounded by a 10-foot chain-link fence. They may say no, we are not doing Dayton.

Eric Weisenbarg­er: Clydette North, while I do not approve of their rhetoric, you cannot do that unless you do it for every other group. Freedom of speech and equal opportunit­y means you have to put up with the speech you don’t like just as much as the speech you do like.

Rick Durrenberg:

Any chance of borrowing one of those DC-10 airplanes they use for fighting big forest fires? Getting a dump like that stuff on your head is like a special religious experience. Surely someone there is going to light one of their stupid torches...

Grace Buckingham: Wouldn’t be surprised if they are doing it again because they know how much of a drain on Dayton’s finances it was. There was (still is) discord over how Dayton spent that money. They probably want to keep that fire lit.

Jenna Kreitzer: I’ve heard there’s a Coronaviru­s Sufferer Support Group that day on Courthouse Square as well. Spread the word.

Ebony Smith: They didn’t have much of a turnout last time. Lol, let the idiots come, lol — they had a party of five!

Donna Marie Swinnie: No no no, last year we get hit with a dozen tornadoes cause these fools were here — I firmly believe that. Just say no

Phill Spitzer: Make it your average day. Don’t give in to their speech and don’t give them part of your day. Conflict is what they want. Make it as few people there.

Kassie Dean: I wish absolutely no one would show up, let them stand in the street all by themselves with no one to spout their hate to!

Dawn Marie Ledford-Sharritt: Aw come on ... really? How about no this time. Started this last year and had a bad year. Stay away.

Wendell T Hensley: Just have a Dayton Strong block party focused on love the same day. Might be cheaper for the city and way more fun for us.

LaDonna White: And we will handle it the same way we did last year. Dayton will be a “love in.”

Becky Strain: Why? What do they possibly achieve by spewing their dysfunctio­nal hatred?

Marsha English Fecke: I really don’t think Dayton needs their hate!

Steve Seboldt: Maybe the scooters will be back. We can ride around them in circles.

Benjamin Mahaffey: They didn’t have a crowd last time. If you ignore them it’s like they don’t even exist.

Sharon Harmon: Not again! Must be a lot of local support.

Shannon Lee Tee: I’m really not worried. They crave attention and division when all they really need is a hug and some dentures.

Amy Nicole: They are from Indiana. Why don’t they stay there? No one here wants to listen to anything they say.

Cindy Marie Johnson: Seems like a great day for a Love Dayton event!

Mark Rose: Who in their right mind would want to go to Dayton?

Chelsea Millard: Why are they so consumed with coming here?

Scotty Davis: People need to understand, if you ignore them then you will win. They want attention. Just stop talking about them and their eight members.

Roseann Ruf: To get the permit they should have to prove that the last rally brought them new members. Make them provide the public with a list noting names and addresses and phone numbers of new members gained from the Memorial

Day 2019 Rally! The city is paying for security, show us the reason to come back to Dayton!

Amanda Roosa: Seriously everyone ... did we not learn last time? Stop giving them ANY recognitio­n. They want attention .... stop giving it to them! This includes the media.

Bryan Omer: Does this mean we’re going to have a rash of tornadoes for dessert?

Wendy Winger Lewis: Make Courthouse Square private property. Then they can’t speak there.

Jonathan Hicks: Ido not agree with anything they stand for or promote. It all comes from hatred and ignorance. First Amendment gives them the right to speak. You can choose to go or not go. I am not going. Not going to protest. Maybe if nobody shows up they will stop coming.

Becky Brown: My suggestion would be to have the businesses that surround Courthouse Square blare music out their windows to drown out them talking.

Tom Beilharz: They will be lucky to get four of them wackos to show up. The city should not waste money to protect them.

Rabbi Crut: As much as I hate the KKK, they do have freedom of speech and the right to peacefully assemble. I hope the city government approves the permit ... with the restrictio­n the rally can only be held on MLK Jr. Blvd.

Randy Carpenter: Please don’t spend money or resources to protect these clowns.

Ian Hughey: It was a bust last time. I’m hoping for the same this time around.

Cherry Esterline-Conatser: Oh hell here we go again ... just get on with your lives, people. Stop catering to their attention seeking. Just don’t go.

Sherri Morgan-Spicer: Destroy them with love, DO NOT GO.

Bridgette Parks: Just ignore them like last time.

Jett Cole Sr.: Just deny the permit. Simple as that

Grace Buckingham: Jett Cole Sr., legally they can’t. It’s a public space. Freedom of speech and

Just have a Dayton Strong block party focused on love the same day. Might be cheaper for the city and way more fun for us.

right to assemble. In the article it’s mentioned that if they had denied the last one they would have been sued. Though I’m not sure how large the fine would have been.

Jett Cole Sr.: Grace Buckingham, lawsuit is less then paying for all the law enforcemen­t; they do reserve the right to deny the permit. Any permit can be denied. Beer permits must be paid for for certain events, there are also stipulatio­ns. If they come, make them flip the bill for fencing set up, make them flip the bill for all security and police paid up front. Don’t deny any outsiders or open carry. They will never return again. More then one way to skin the cat. Maybe this mayor should show some backbone and just deny it.

Jessica Forman: The Klan is no different than any other terrorist group. Why are they allowing them back? The Klan is no different than Al Qaeda or ISIS. The Klan has been terrorizin­g people for centuries, and it is time to label them and treat them for what they are — a terrorist group.

Dee Liles-Burgess: No ... you can’t come. We’re full.

Willie Benson Jr.:

Just tell them the space is already occupied for that day. Every time they apply.

Lisa Bolton: Let them come and nobody go. Give no energy except send unconditio­nal love.

Betsy Godbey Griffith: I hope nobody shows up, including the press.

Don Shingledec­ker: They have the right to speak. I have the right to ignore them.

Vincent Spalla: Oh please. Rally at your own risk, KKK wussbags.

Kathy Swanberg: Don’t make an issue of it. If Dayton can handle an unexpected mass shooting I think we can handle a few opinionate­d people using their freedom of speech. If someone wants to attend — that’s on them. If you don’t agree with a political candidate, you don’t attend their rally.

Roberta Kuhn Loman: Someone please sneeze on them.

 ?? BILL LACKEY/STAFF ?? Protesters chant anti-hate messages as they gather along Main Street during last year’s KKK rally on Courthouse Square in downtown Dayton.
BILL LACKEY/STAFF Protesters chant anti-hate messages as they gather along Main Street during last year’s KKK rally on Courthouse Square in downtown Dayton.
 ?? BILL LACKEY/STAFF ?? A young girl holds up a sign among the counter protesters along Main Street at last year’s rally.
BILL LACKEY/STAFF A young girl holds up a sign among the counter protesters along Main Street at last year’s rally.

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