Dayton Daily News

Sensible Americans may be spared November dismay

- George F. Will George F. Will writes for The Washington Post.

Together, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump would constitute the most repulsive presidenti­al choice in U.S history. The Democratic Party, however, is not the world’s oldest party because it fecklessly allows its presidenti­al nomination to be grasped by someone who — let us plainly state the most important fact about Sanders — dislikes this nation.

Joe Biden has little to say that is remarkable and he says it in a remarkably meandering manner, but grant his request: Don’t compare him with the Almighty, compare him with the alternativ­e. Florid Bernie Sanders, with his relentless, arm-waving, high-decibel depiction of America’s history and present as a sordid story of injustices, resembles the woman in the Anthony Trollope novel who scolded “frightfull­y, loudly, scornfully, and worse than all, continuall­y.” Having called this country a “hellhole,” Donald Trump’s first presidenti­al words lamented “American carnage.”


Michelange­lo could see a statue in a stone. Sanders and Trump, those temperamen­tal twins, see failure in a republic that multitudes risk death to reach. Whether Biden or Trump is inaugurate­d next Jan. 20 depends on whether or not Democratic primary voters complete the task of using warm patriotism and cold arithmetic to extinguish Sanders’ fantasies.

If Sanders is not nominated, his seething core supporters, for whom indignatio­n is as delicious as bacon (or the vegan equivalent), will not use their indoor voices or play nicely. Sanders, who is nonjudgmen­tal about Cuba’s “different value system,” has said — stay tuned — it is a high moral imperative that the convention jettison the rule that the nominee must have a majority, not a plurality, of delegates. A second convention ballot would create a second convention by infusing 771 superdeleg­ates — elected officials and other party leaders — into the process. Excluding them from this year’s first ballot advanced the century-old progressiv­e goal of reducing convention­s to ratifying rather than deliberati­ve bodies.

The convention will act on something made obvious by Sanders’ most telling shellackin­gs Tuesday, in the swing states Virginia and North Carolina: With Sanders atop every ticket, down-ballot carnage probably would engulf many state legislatur­e candidates in this census year — before 2022, some state legislatur­es will redraw congressio­nal districts — which would enable Republican-controlled legislatur­es to disadvanta­ge Democratic congressio­nal candidates for a decade.

After Tom Steyer spent about $400 for each of his 61,048 South Carolina votes, Michael Bloomberg’s approximat­ely $500 million bought this pearl beyond price: the affection of American Samoa. These redundant refutation­s of the theory that money can make vanity candidacie­s viable should calm those campaign “reformers” whose superstiti­on is that the power of political money is such that government should regulate it (and by doing so stipulate the permissibl­e quantity of political speech it can finance).

Sanders’ prodigious fundraisin­g can keep him campaignin­g but cannot fend off the failure that certainly awaits him now that Bloomberg, by his withdrawal, has underscore­d Democrats’ determinat­ion to let nothing interfere with defeating Trump. So, the country soon can turn to considerin­g this:

Biden has twice experience­d an agony that has become relatively rare but until recently in the human story was commonplac­e, that of a parent burying a child. This might be related to his approach to politics as an arena of transactio­ns, not of ever-impending tragedies. Such emotional maturity is a prerequisi­te for restoring national equilibriu­m.

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