Dayton Daily News

How to be more charismati­c (it’s easier than you think)

Simple ways to dial up your charisma.

- By Susie Moore

I went to a barbecue a few weeks ago, and my only memory of it is meeting Sarah.

Sarah laughed easily. She’d just met me but asked so thoughtful­ly about my upcoming book — “Perfect timing for this topic, Susie!” she said, smiling. She shared a little about herself: “I’m originally from Mexico, but Miami is home while I’m working on something behind the scenes … “

She was upbeat and positive, and her easy, bright manner drew people in. Not only that, but the girl had damn fine style. “I collect bracelets — I don’t even take them off to shower!” she shared, and smiled coyly.

Sarah was the girl of the hour at the gathering. And she didn’t even stay that long. When she left, I felt ready to leave too.

Charisma is defined as “compelling attractive­ness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.” And Sarah had it.

It’s certainly attractive. It’s often difficult to define (how do you measure it, exactly?). And it’s something we all wouldn’t mind having a little more of.

The good news is that charismati­c qualities can be learned.

Here are some simple ways to dial up your charisma anywhere, anytime.

Be inquisitiv­e

People who drone on and on about themselves aren’t all that fascinatin­g, are they? But people who ask questions and listen? Oh, my! We love those people.

It’s amazing how far a little bit of genuine curiosity can go. Simple questions like “How do you know the host?”, “How long have you lived in (fill in the city)?”, and “Are you watching ‘You’ on Netflix?” can strike up some lively conversati­ons.

Think beyond the same old “What do you do for a living?” (which can also feel like sizing up a person). Keep it neutral, fun, and light! In the end, we all just wanna have fun wherever we are.

Make room for a little mystery

Charismati­c types often drop little nuggets of info about themselves that are intriguing, like “When I was in Japan…” or “When I volunteere­d at the U.S. Open, a surprising highlight was…” (But steer clear of TMI tidbits like “I’m staying away from the veggies and dip because raw broccoli makes me really bloated.”)

People don’t need a blowby-blow account of your daily life or even a particular experience (we’ve all been stuck with a person who goes into way too much detail and has us seeking an out, pronto). Weave the most compelling parts of yourself and your experience­s into conversati­ons.

Be into (not anti-) things

Positive people are naturally more magnetic than negative ones. Think about it. Like at my barbecue, someone who’s having a good time at the office, in a meeting or at a cool after-work shindig is going to attract others more than someone who is angry, despondent or critical. Every time.

We want to feel good — it’s human nature. So people who already feel good appeal to us. We want some of what they’re having!

A simple way to make sure you’re putting out that feelgood energy is to be into (rather than against) things. Talk in terms of what you like/support/enjoy rather than the opposite.

A simple “I can’t decide if I love Lizzo or Billie Eilish more!” is far more optimistic than “I can’t stand all the crap topping the charts right now.”

One invites conversati­on and exchange, one doesn’t.

Have a signature something

This is optional, but it can go a long way to up your charisma quotient. Ever notice how some people are instantly recognizab­le because of something? That something, whenever you see or hear it, makes you think of them. Anna Wintour’s chic bob. Cara Delevingne’s dramatic brows.

A friend of mine, Zoe, wears red lipstick every day, rain or shine. One time, another friend joined us for lunch and said, “I love your makeup — so glam!”

She followed Zoe on Instagram and said, “I found her ‘cause of the lips!” And when we walked by a luxury shop window with a model sporting the same hue, we both thought, “Like Zoe!”

Gwen Stefani knows all about the red lip magic too. Something you become known for helps you be the person of the hour without even being there.

What might remind other people of you?

For many of us, charisma can seem unattainab­le. But it’s not. Experiment with a few of these things and see how they can bring a bit of spark to your conversati­ons… and a bit of je ne sais quoi to your personalit­y!

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? Charisma can be difficult to define, but it’s something we all wouldn’t mind having a little more of.
CONTRIBUTE­D Charisma can be difficult to define, but it’s something we all wouldn’t mind having a little more of.

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