Dayton Daily News

As the nation suffers, your president largely flounders

- Gail Collins Gail Collins writes for the New York Times.

Rest easy, people. We’ve got the Great American Economic Revival Industry Groups watching out for us.

Cannot believe you’ve never heard of them.

It’s sort of like an Easter present. Donald Trump says GAERIG are going to advise him on when it’s safe to reopen the economy. Biggest question in the nation. So attention must be paid.

They’re mostly business leaders. From the head of Goldman Sachs to the head of Chick-fil-A. To the profession­al wrestling czar who Trump, in his announceme­nt, called “the great Vince McMahon.” We are mentioning McMahon, a big Trump donor whose wife runs a pro-Trump super PAC, because the governor of Florida recently named World Wrestling Entertainm­ent an “essential” business that was going to be allowed to continue staging matches during the economic lockdown.

But about GAERIG. We’re talking nearly 200 people — at least one of whom told The Times there was no White House contact or advance notice of the announceme­nt. Their meetings, unfortunat­ely, won’t be MegaZoom — just a bunch of phone calls.

“We’ll open it up in beautiful little pieces,” Trump assured the world.

Well, Trump could certainly use a little beautiful something. This hasn’t been a great week for him.

Truly, Trump has been flopping around lately like a beached flounder. Remember when he decided it was the governors, not him, who should deliver the bad news to citizens that they had to shelter in place? (“I like to allow governors to make decisions without overruling them because from a constituti­onal standpoint, that’s the way it should be done.”)

Then he decided the rule didn’t apply when it came to delivering good news about restarting the economy. (“When somebody’s the president of the United States, the authority is total. And that’s the way it’s got to be.”)

Hey, somebody has to do the fun part.

Finally, after backlash from governors, Trump agreed they could do the reopenings — presumably with advice from GAERIG. He then turned his attention to the pandemic, and decided the most useful thing he could do in the fight for world health was to, um, torpedo the World Health Organizati­on.

Yeah, Trump froze American funds for the W.H.O. because he thinks it’s too pro-China.

I know, you’ve heard that story a lot. Whenever anybody points out how slow Trump was to recognize the danger of the coronaviru­s, or start gearing up on testing, he always reminds the world of the stupendous job he did keeping out potentiall­y infected travelers from the East. “How come I was the only person, the only leader of a country that closed our borders tightly against China?” he demanded, claiming his fast thinking saved “hundreds of thousands.”

I know you know it didn’t work like that. Trump restricted travel from China after the W.H.O. warned about the virus there, and after other nations had already put restrictio­ns in place. Trump did make the decision; however a more perfect descriptio­n might have been: “It had never been done before. Except by some other countries. But I was definitely up toward the front of the middle of the herd.”

OK, let’s look at the bright side. We’ve got GAERIG! And 70 million Americans are about to get those stimulus funds. Each check bearing Donald Trump’s name. Right there near the $1,200.

The man is terrible at governing, but he’s a genius at branding.

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