Dayton Daily News

EPA rolls back emissions rule

- By Ellen Knickmeyer

The Trump administra­tion on Thursday weakened an Obama-era rule that compelled the country’s coal plants to cut back emissions of mercury and other human health hazards, a move designed to limit future regulation of air pollutants from coal- and oilfired power plants.

Environmen­tal Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler said the rollback was reversing what he depicted as regulatory overreach by the Obama administra­tion. “We have put in place an honest accounting method that balances” the cost to utilities with public safety, he said.

Wheeler is a former coal lobbyist whose previous clients have gotten many of the regulatory rollbacks they sought from the Trump administra­tion.

Environmen­tal and public health groups and Democratic lawmakers faulted the administra­tion for pressing forward with a series of rollbacks easing pollution rules for industry — in the final six months of President Donald Trump’s current term — while the coronaviru­s pandemic rivets the world’s attention.

With rollbacks on air pollution protection­s, the “EPA is all but ensuring that higher levels of harmful air pollution will make it harder for people to recover in the long run” from the disease caused by the coronaviru­s, given the lasting harm the illness does to victims hearts and lungs, said Delaware Sen. Tom Carper, the senior Democrat on the Senate Environmen­t and Public Works Committee.

The EPA move leaves in place standards for emissions of mercury, which damages the developing brains of children and has been linked to a series of other ailments. But the changes greatly reduce the health benefits that regulators can consider in crafting futures rules for power plant emissions. That undermines the 2011 mercury rule and limits regulators’ ability to tackle the range of soot, heavy metals, toxic gases and other hazards from fossil fuel power plants.

The Trump administra­tion contends the mercury cleanup was not “appropriat­e and necessary,” a legal benchmark under the country’s landmark Clean Air Act.

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