Dayton Daily News

Excerpt from ‘Danny Dollar, Millionair­e Extraordin­aire’


Editor’s note: Below is an excerpt from the children’s book, “Danny Dollar, Millionair­e Extraordin­aire, The Lemonade Escapade,” written by Ty Allan Jackson and reprinted with permission via Newspaper in Education. To catch up on the story, read the previous excerpt in the e-paper edition of Friday, April 17.

Chapter 14 (cont.)

“I had to borrow a few bucks from Danny yesterday. He said I wouldn’t have to pay him back if I wore this outfit to attract customers while his team of misfits washes cars. I feel ridiculous!” yelled Danielle.

“You look ridiculous!” giggled Danny.

“Let this be a lesson to you, Danielle. When you borrow money, one way or another, you are going to pay.”

The Closing Bell

Wow! The past few days have been crazy. One day the Mayor of New York City is gagging on my lemonade, a few days later, I’m thinking up million dollar ideas for my idol, and now mentor, Rocky Austin.

It just goes to show, you could be dealing with something that might seem like the worst thing in the world, but could turn out to be a blessing in disguise. If Pablo and his friends hadn’t put vinegar in my lemonade, I might have never met Mr. Austin.

Mom was right. Things are not always gonna be easy in life. You just have to believe in yourself and never, ever give up.

So, my friends out there, what did we learn today? Regardless of how old you are, if you’re creative enough, there are plenty of ways to make a couple of bucks, whether it’s through your allowance, opening a lemonade stand, or walking a neighbor’s dog.

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