Dayton Daily News

When online posts about missing kids are outdated

- Heloise

Dear Heloise: I have a request for all your fans who use social media. There are many posts about missing children and adults. People share these without clicking on the post. Often, it will indicate that the person in question has been found. If so, do their family a favor and delete or hide the post. I saw one that was several years old. You also can search online for their name. Again, you will often find out that the person has been found. — Gene I., Dayton, Ohio


Dear Heloise: Over the past few years I have purchased both AA and AAA batteries from a very wellknown company. I have found them to leak out the bottom over time.

I called and spoke to customer service, and they asked me what type of equipment it was in and how much it cost.

One claim was for $70 for a high-end flashlight and another was for a $40 alarm clock. They sent me a check for the damaged equipment. I thought I would let you know my experience­s. — D. Hansel, Houston, Texas

D, many companies will issue a refund if their product causes damage to a customer’s possession­s. They also generally welcome remarks about their products, whether good or bad, because this helps them perfect the products they sell. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: In California we do not put dead batteries in our trash; we recycle them. We have recycling containers throughout our local college campuses. Battery recycling should be available in all states to help protect our environmen­t. — Patti W. in California

Patti, that is a wonderful thing to do! We only have one planet, and it’s important for us to recycle whenever we can. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: My bedroom closet was as dark as a cave, and I had no way to get a light of some sort in there, unless I called in an electricia­n, which I simply could not afford to do. Then I had an idea! I went to the hardware store and bought a battery-operated motion detector light and installed it in my closet.

When I open the door now, the light comes on and I no longer have to hope I’ve picked out my black sweater and not a navy blue one! — Lana in Louisiana

Lana, what a smart way to fix an annoying situation! Thanks for the hint. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: My sister-in-law gave me a great hint to fix scratches on wood furniture. Use an old cloth dipped in some fabric dye and apply the fabric dye to the scratch, wiping off the excess. After it is thoroughly dried, rub on one or two coats of a paste wax, and buff the area until you get a nice shine. It’s easy and inexpensiv­e. — Kathy in Montana

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.

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