Dayton Daily News

Quick response shows purpose


As we continue into the summer under these unpreceden­ted conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, the eyes of many have been opened up to what exactly public educators are responsibl­e for on a daily basis. From teaching letters and sounds, to the world of AP courses. What about feeding healthy meals on a daily basis and ensuring students get some type of healthy and safe physical activity daily? All of these things take place within 6-8 hours during an average school day. Within three days it was changed, and with that, the way we looked at education changed.

Kudos to those parents that picked-up the pieces and jumped all-in to continue to support the learning of your students. But we do understand that this has been tough for you, as well. Becoming a teacher in a week has not been easy for most. We know your frustratio­n. Many of you have been managing your jobs and trying to manage the lives of your kids at the same time. What an insurmount­able task. As we all know now, more than ever, keeping kids busy with learning during the day is more than a notion. It’s hard and challengin­g, but it is what we all had to do.

With all this being said, this is a time like no other to remember to support your teachers and employees from your local public schools.

During this unpreceden­ted time, districts across this state had to kick into action and change what school looks like in 72 hours — and we did it. Students got computers, hot spots, work packets, supplies and any other resources they needed to keep learning going. Districts kept serving food and even some provided transporta­tion to food sites for families. The list goes on and on of all of the things that districts did to continue to support the learning of kids and the new work parents had to do across this state and across the country. It was our duty, and it was done within a blink of an eye because learning and student wellness is our daily mission.

The process was not without any hitches, and it is still a work in progress, as things are still continuing to change every day. We still don’t know what school will look like in the fall. But what I believe, is that regardless of what happens to education in the next couple of months, your local school district will be ready to continue to support the learning of your students however it looks now and post COVID-19.

Thanks to all of the teachers, staff, parents and most importantl­y students as we have learned now more than ever. We are truly all in this together.

‘With all this being said, this is a time like no other to remember to support your teachers and employees from your local public schools.’

 ??  ?? By Marlon Howard, acting superinten­dent
By Marlon Howard, acting superinten­dent

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