Dayton Daily News

Michigan barber ordered to close shop


A Michigan court on Thursday ordered a bar- ber to close his shop and stop defying the state’s coronavi- rus restrictio­ns, though he vowed to keep cutting hair.

The Michigan appeals court overturned a decision by a Shiawassee County judge and ordered him to sign an injunction sought by state regulators.

Karl Manke, 77, said he’s not backing down. He told The Associated Press that he got the news while cutting someone’s hair and he doesn’t intend to comply with it.

“I could care less,” he said by phone from his shop in Owosso, about 70 miles northwest of Detroit. “If they want to put me in jail, put me in jail . ... I will be governed — fair governing — but not ruled. This is a police state action.”

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has kept barbershop­s and hair salons closed for weeks, citing a high risk of virus trans- mission as stylists cut hair and people wait for their turn.

“Uncontrove­rted evidence clearly revealed that COVID- 19 is a highly communicab­le illness,” the appeals court said. “Uncontrove­rted evidence revealed that COVID-19 is spread by infected persons showing no symptoms that could serve to warn others of the possibilit­y of infection.”

Manke’s attorney, David Kallman, said he would appeal to the Michigan

Supreme Court.

Manke reopened his shop on May 4, saying he needed to make money and declar- ing that the “government is not my mother.” He has been ticketed for violating Whitmer’s orders. Separate from the court case, he’s had his shop and barber’s licenses suspended.

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