Dayton Daily News

President’s fossil fuel agenda dealt legal setbacks


Federal courts have delivered a string of rebukes to the Trump administra­tion over what they found were failures to protect the environmen­t and address climate change as it promotes fossil fuel interests and the extraction of natural resources from public lands.

Judges have ruled administra­tion officials ignored or downplayed potential environmen­tal damage in lawsuits over oil and gas leases, coal mining and pipelines to transport fuels across the U.S., according to an Associated Press review of more than a dozen major environmen­tal cases.

Actions taken by the courts have ranged from orders for more environmen­tal analysis to the unpreceden­ted cancellati­on of oil and gas leases across hundreds of thousands of acres in Western states.

“Many of the decisions the Trump administra­tion has been making are arguably illegal and in some cases blatantly so,” said

Mark Squillace, associate dean at the University of Colorado Law School and a specialist in natural resources law. “They’ve lost a lot of cases.”

Some of the most far-reaching rulings have come from U.S. District Judge Brian Morris, an appointee of former President Barack Obama posted in Montana.

This month alone Morris canceled energy leases on several hundred thousand acres in cases that centered on potential harm to water supplies and greater sage grouse, a declining species. He also struck down a nationwide permitting program for new oil and gas pipelines in a lawsuit against the controvers­ial Keystone XL oil sands pipeline from Canada.

The rulings brought cheers from environmen­talists who have looked to the judiciary to check Trump’s ambitions. But Morris was denounced by oil and gas industry representa­tives and allies in Congress as an “activist judge” inserting his own agenda into cases.

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