Dayton Daily News

Trump denies report he was briefed on bounty

- By Lynn Berry and Zeke Miller

The president said he was never told Russia offered to pay Taliban-linked militants for killing American troops in Afghanista­n.

— President Donald Trump on Sunday denied that he had been briefed on reported U.S. i ntellige nce that a Russian military intelligen­ce unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing American troops in Afghanista­n, and he appeared to minimize the allegation­s against Moscow.

American intelligen­ce officials concluded months ago that Russian officials offered rewards for successful attacks on American service-members last year, at a time when the U.S. and Taliban were holding talks to end the long-running war, according to The New York Times.

Trump, in a Sunday morn- ing tweet, said “Nobody briefed or told me” or Vice President Mike Pence or chief of staff Mark Meadows about “the so-called attacks on our troops in Afghanista­n by Russians.”

“Everybody is denying it & there have not been many attacks on us,” he said.

The White House had issued a statement Satur- day denying that Trump or Pence had been briefed on such intelligen­ce. “This does not speak to the merit of the alleged intelligen­ce but to the inaccuracy of the New York Times story erroneousl­y suggesting that President Trump was briefed on this matter,” press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said.

Trump’s director of national intelligen­ce, John Ratcliffe, also said neither the president nor vice pres- ident was “ever briefed on any intelligen­ce alleged” in the Times’ report and he said the White House statement was “accurate.”

Trump’s tweet came a day after presumptiv­e Demo- cratic presidenti­al nominee Joe Biden said that the report, if accurate, was a “truly shocking revelation” about the commander in chief and his failure to protect U.S. troops in Afghanista­n and stand up to Russia.

Russia called the report “nonsense.”

“This unsophisti­c ated plant clearly illustrate­s the low intellectu­al abilities of the propagandi­sts of American intelligen­ce, who instead of inventing something more plausible have to make up this nonsense,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

A Taliban spokesman said the militants “strongly reject this allegation” and are not “indebted to the beneficenc­e of any intelligen­ce organ or foreign country.”

John Bolton, a former national security adviser who was forced out by Trump last September and has now written a tell-all book about his time at the White House, said Sunday that “it is pretty remarkable the president’s going out of his way to say he hasn’t heard anything about it, one asks, why would he do something like that?”

Bolton told NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he thinks the answer “may be precisely because active Russian aggression like that against the American ser- vice members is a very, very serious matter and nothing’s been done about it, if it’s true, for these past four or five months, so it may look like he was negligent. But of course, he can disown everything if nobody ever told him about it.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a member of the “Gang of Eight” congres- sional leaders briefed on sen- sitive intelligen­ce matters, told ABC’s “This Week” that she had not been informed about the reported boun- ties and requested a report to Congress on the matter.

“This is as bad as it gets, and yet the president will not confront the Russians on this score, denies being briefed. Whether he is or not, his administra­tion knows and our allies — some of our allies who work with us in Afghanista­n had been briefed and accept this report,” she said.

The Times, citing unnamed officials familiar with the intelligen­ce, said the findings were presented to Trump and discussed by his National Security Council in late March. Officials developed potential responses, starting with a diplomatic complaint to Russia, but the White House has yet to authorize any step, the report said.

Trump responded to Biden on Twitter, saying “Russia ate his and Obama’s lunch during their time in office”

But it was t he Obama administra­tion, along with internatio­nal allies, that suspended Russia from the Group of Eight after its unilateral annexation of Crimea from Ukraine — a move that drew widespread condemnati­on.

Biden criticized Trump for “his embarrassi­ng campaign of deference and debasing himself” before Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Trump tweeted that “Nobody’s been tougher” on Russia than his administra­tion.

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