Dayton Daily News

Using blood plasma from COVID-19 survivors still ‘experiment­al,’

- By Maria Cheng

The World Health Organizati­on on Monday cautioned that using blood plasma from COVID-19 survivors to treat other patients is still considered an experiment­al therapy, voicing the concern as a U.S. boost for the treatment has many scientists afraid formal studies will be derailed.

On Sunday, theU.S. Food and Drug Administra­tion authorized what’s called “emergency use” of the treatment under its special powers to speed the availabili­ty of promising experiment­al drugs during a public health crisis. The action isn’t the same as approving plasma as safe and effective, and numerous rigorous studies are underway to find out if it really works.

So far, “The results are not conclusive,” WHO’s chief scientist Dr. Soumya Swamina- than said during a press brief- ing. “At the moment, it’s still very low-quality evidence.”

Convalesce­nt plasma is a century-old treatment that was used to fight off flu and measles outbreaks in the days before vaccines, and was tried more recently during the Ebola outbreak. When the body encoun- ters a new germ, it makes proteins called antibodies that are specially targeted to fight the infection. The antibodies float in plasma — the yellowish, liquid part of blood — which is collected from COVID-19 survivors and given to patients infected with coronaviru­s.

Swaminatha­n said WHO considered plasma therapy to be experiment­al and that it should continue tobe evaluated. She said the treatment is difficult to standardiz­e: Plasma must be collected individual­ly, and people produce different levels of antibodies.

“Of course, countries can do an emergency listing if they feel the benefits outweigh the risks,” she said. “But that’s usually done when you’re waiting for the more definitive evidence.”

In a letter describing the

FDA’s emergency action, the agency’s chief scientist said the treatment “should not be considered a new standard of care” for coronaviru­s infections, and that more data from studies will be available in the coming months.

But a lready, so many COVID-19 pat ients have requested plasma rather than agreeing to be part of a research study that many scientists­fear they won’t get a clear answer on whether the treatment really works -- and if it does, how and when it should be used for the best outcomes.

Martin Landray, of the University of Oxford said that while the therapy offers “huge promise,” there was still no proof it works.

“There is a huge gap between theory and proven benefit,” he said in a statement.

If just a few thousand patients took part in the research “we would have the answer,” said Landray, who is conducting a plasma study in the U.K. “If effective, convalesce­nt plasma could be rapidly used worldwide. If not, it could be abandoned,”

Stephen Griffin, an associate professor of medicine at the University of Leeds, said there was still considerab­le uncertaint­y about the immune system’s response to COVID-19, making any potential use of convalesce­nt plasma challengin­g.

The FDA’s action was announced during a Sunday press briefing by President Donald Trump, who called it a “breakthrou­gh.”

“It appears that the lessons from hydroxychl­oroquine have not been learned,” Griffin said, referring to the malaria drug touted by Trump and others as a potential treatment for the coronaviru­s.

T he FDA also granted hydroxyc h loroquine an emergency authorizat­ion before suspending it months later after several t r ials showed the drug didn’t work against COVID-19 and raised the risk of heart, kidney, liver and other problems.

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