Dayton Daily News

Woman possibly cured of HIV withoutmed­ical treatment

- ApoorvaMan­davilli

A woman who was infected with HIV in 1992may be the first person curedof the virus without a risky bone marrow transplant or even medication­s, researcher­s reported Wednesday.

In an additional 63 people in their study who controlled the infection without drugs, HIV apparently was sequestere­d in the body in such a way that it could not reproduce, the scientists also reported. The finding suggested that these people may have achieved a “functional cure.”

Theresearc­h, published in the journal Nature, outlines a new mechanism by which the bodymay suppress HIV, visible only now because of advances in genetics. The study also offers hope that some small number of infected people who have taken anti retroviral therapy for many years may similarly be able to suppressth­e virus and stop taking the drugs, which can exact a toll on the body.

“It does suggest that treatment itself can cure people, which goes against all the dogma,” said Dr. Steve Deeks, an AIDS expert at the University of California, San Francisco, and an author of the new study.

The woman is Loreen Willenberg, 66, of California, already famous among researcher­s because her body has suppressed the virus for decades after verified infection. Only two other people — Timothy Brown of Palm Springs, California, and Adam Castillejo of London

— have been declared cured of HIV. Both men underwent grueling bone marrow transplant­s for cancer that left them with immune systems resistant to the virus.

Bone marrow trans plants are too risky to be an option formostpeo­ple infected with HIV, but therecover­ies raised hopes that a curewas possible. In May, researcher­s in Brazil reported that a combinatio­n of HIV treatments may have led to another cure, but other experts said more tests were needed to confirm that finding.

“I think that is a novel, an important discovery,” Dr. Sharon Lewin, director of the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity inMelbourn­e, Australia, said of the new study. “The real challenge, of course, is how you can intervene to make this relevant to the 37 million people livingwith HIV.”

Evenamongv­iruses, HIVis particular­ly wily and difficult to eradicate. It inserts itself into the humangenom­e and tricks the cell’s machinery into making copies. HIV naturally prefers to lurk within genes, the most active targets of the cell’s copiers.

In some people, the immune systemover timehuntsd­own cells in which the virus has occupied the genome. But intensive scrutiny of the participan­tsin this study showed that viral genes maybe marooned in certain“blocked and locked” regions of the genome, where reproducti­on cannot occur, said Dr. Xu Yu, the study’s senior author and a researcher at Harvard University.

The participan­ts in the researchwe­re so-called elite controller­s, the 1% of people with HIV who can keep the virus in check without antiretrov­iral drugs.

Itis possible thatsomepe­ople who take antiretrov­iral therapy for years may also arrive at the same outcome, especially if given treatments that can boost the immune system, the researcher­s speculated.

“This uniquegrou­pof individual­s provided to me sort of a proof of concept that it is possible with the host immune response to achieve what is really, clinically, a cure,” Deeks said.

Elite controller­s have been exhaustive­ly studied for clues to how to control HIV. Willenberg has been enrolled in such studies formore than 25 years. With the exception of one test years ago that yielded a positive result, researcher­s were never able to identify any virus in her tissues.

In the new study, Yu and her colleagues analyzed 1.5 billion blood cells from Will en berg and found not race of the virus, even using sophistica­ted newtechniq­ues that can pinpoint the virus’s location within the genome.

Millions of cells from the gut, rectum and intestine also turned up no signs of the virus.

“She could be added to the list of what I think is a cure, through a very different path,” Lewin said.

Other researcher­s were more circumspec­t. “It’s certainly encouragin­g, but speculativ­e,” said Dr. Una O’Doherty, a virologist at the University of Pennsylvan­ia. “I need to see more before I would say, ‘Oh, she’s cured.’ ”

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