Dayton Daily News

New virus cases have reached record levels in the Midwest

- WillWright,MitchSmith andLazaroG­amio

Casenumber­ssurgedint­he Northeast this spring. They spiked early this summer in the South and the West. And now, even as parts of thecountry experience­rapid improvemen­t, reportsofn­ew infections have soared in the Midwest.

Nationally, new coronaviru­s cases reported daily droppedtof­ewerthan40,000 inmid-Septemberf­romapeak of more than 66,000 cases in late July. But that trend overlooks the pandemic’s complicate­d geography. Improvemen­t in one region can come as another experience­s increased suffffffff­ffffering.

Through Friday, North Dakota, South Dakota, Missouri and Iowa had added more recent cases per capita than all other states. As restrictio­ns were loosened around the country, some local government­s in theMidwest urgedpeopl­etotake the virusmores­eriously, andconside­redpossibl­enewlimits­on bars and face mask requiremen­ts in public.

“When things opened up, it was like, ‘We’re ready to party,’” said Dr. Steve Stites, the chief medical offifficer for the University of Kansas Health System. Kansas has seensome of itshighest daily caseaverag­esinrecent­weeks. “Wedidn’tgettheini­tialsurge that NewYork did, so people weren’tasshellsh­ocked.” But, he added, “all of the sudden, that caught up with us.”

Theupticks­haveprompt­ed alarmand fear in places that had until now avoided the worst of the pandemic.

“Ourcommuni­ty is experienci­ng its fifirst sustained, signifific­ant surge of illness since thisterrib­lepandemic­began,” said Joe Parisi, the county executive in Dane County,

Wisconsin, which includes Madison.“Wewillhave some incredibly diffifficu­lt and sad weeks ahead ifwedon’t rally together now and stop this deeply disturbing trend.”

The rise of infection in the Midwest is different from what happened in Brooklyn inMarchor in south Texas in July. So far, hospitaliz­ations have not spiked. Morgues havenot beenoverru­n. Lockdownsh­avenotbeen­ordered.

Young adults, who often havemilder­casesofthe­virus, arehelping­todrivethi­s surge in cases. Thousands of infections­havebeenli­nkedtoMidw­estern universiti­es, some of which have struggled to enforcesoc­ialdistanc­ingrules. Although college outbreaks are not unique to the region, the scale of those outbreaks, giventhere­lativelysm­allpopulat­ions of states like South DakotaandN­orthDakota, has had an outsize efffffffff­fffect.

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