Dayton Daily News

County to improvewat­er treatment

$35Mexpansi­on to boost capacity, add softening technology.

- ByBonnieMe­ibers

Greene County residents are one step closer to having softer water.

The county is now soliciting bids for its planned $35 million water treatment plant expansion project.

The county will get bids from design-build teams and make a selection in the next six months, said Jason Tincu, director of Greene County’s Sanitary Engineerin­g Department. Constructi­on crews could start on the project as early as next fall. The project is slated to take between 24 and 36 months.

“We’re making improvemen­ts that will make the water system more reliable for our customers and provide water for the next 20 years,” Tincu said.

The project will expand the water treatment plant’s capacity from nine million gallons of water per day to 12 million per day. The project will also encompass adding water softening technology to the process.

Full-scale upgrades to existing infrastruc­ture will be made. A new membrane building will also be built at the plant.

The Sanitary Engineerin­g Department decided to use a membrane filtration method of softening instead of a process that relies on lime. Membrane filtration uses a tightly wound wrap that has very small pores that filter out contaminan­ts like metal and other impurities.

HuberHeigh­ts and Miamisburg recentlyin­stalledmem­branefiltr­ation systems in their water plants.

Tincu hopes that once the project is completed, Greene County homes will be able to phase out in-home softeners or at least turn them down significan­tly, saving homeowners time and money.

Greene County is targeting the same hardness as Dayton and Montgomery County, Tincu said.

To pay for the project, the Sanitary Engineerin­g Department has taken out a 20-year loan from the Ohio EPA’s Division of Environmen­tal Financial Assistance. The loan is for about 1.5%, which Tincu said is a “very competitiv­e interest rate.”

The county also has bonds that are coming due and plans to use that debtcovera­ge to helpfundth­e water treatment plant improvemen­ts, Tincu said. That means Greene County residents won’t see their water rates rise because of the project because the county can accommodat­e this project under the current rate structure.

Although the project is still in the early stages of design, Tincu said things are progressin­g as expected.

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