Dayton Daily News

Marriage of Trump, GOP heads toward ugly divorce

- JonahGoldb­erg Jonah Goldberg is editor-inchiefofT­he Dispatch.

Badmarriag­es usually lead to ugly divorces, and that’s where the GOP is heading.

After Donald Trump secured the Republican nomination in 2016, the word went forth on the right: It’s a binary choice. You’re either for Hillary or you’re for Trump. I never agreed with this reasoning, but in a two-party system the claim was defensible. The peculiar thing is that even after he was elected, the “binary choice” bullying never went away; it just changed from “Hillary or Trump” to “for Trump or against him.”

There were left-wing and right-wing versions of this all-or-nothing mentality, the former requiring total resistance to all things Trump, the latter total support. But it was the right-wing version that probably cost Trump the election. And it’s now threatenin­g to tear apart the GOP.

On cable TV, talk radio and right-wing web platforms that dedicated themselves to round-the-clock Trump support, Trump’s minor successes were celebrated as unpreceden­ted victories. His major successes were offered as proof of the president’s almost superhuman qualities. His failures were usually explained in one of two ways. They were either proof of his four-dimensiona­l chess master genius — just wait, this is part of hismaster plan! — or evidence that powerful, sinister forces were underminin­g him: the “deep state,” the establishm­ent, the “fake news” media, the cultural Marxists, the military-industrial complex, the “never Trump” fifth columnists or a combinatio­n thereof.

Because Trump’s narcissism was so profound, he responded to criticismw­ith the political equivalent of a nuclear counterstr­ike. And because Trump’s insecurity was infectious, his fan base — which had outsize power in primaries — would follow suit. This ensured that most Republican politician­s shouted their praise of Trump andmuzzled their criticism.

Institutio­nalized Trump narcissism probably cost him the election, because the superhuman image he insisted his loyalists embrace never reflected the reality on the ground. Many Republican­s were in fact not that into him. They liked the judges, the tax cuts, even some of the “own the libs” bombast. But they were turned off by the self-indulgence, the conspiracy theorizing and the constant need for praise and attention. Still, few conservati­ve politician­s or media figures were willing to say so. Trump believed his most fawning media, and his fawning media told him again and again, “Never change.”

The result was amassive turnout of anti-Trump voting. The bulk of it manifested as historic turnout among Democrats enraged by four years of being trolled by the president.

But a significan­t chunk of it took the form of Republican­s or Republican-leaning voters who split their tickets or declined to vote for the top of the ticket. In normal times, if you’re willing to vote for a Republican governor, senator or congressma­n, you are by definition a gettable vote for a Republican presidenti­al candidate. But Trump lost in many states where other Republican­s won. It’s true, as Trump says, that he got more votes than any Republican president; he just didn’t get enough of them.

To the extent that there is any good faith to the false claims the Democrats stole the election, it can be explained by the fact that many Republican­s, including Trump himself, believed the pro-Trump propaganda they’ve been fed for four years. If you actually think the president can’t lose, that the American people are with him and that the shadowy forces he was battling are real, why wouldn’t you scoff at the idea Biden won?

But Biden did win. And that fact is shattering the Temple of the Binary Choice on the right.

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