Dayton Daily News

The courts, election, partisansh­ip and our future

Note from Community Impact Editor Amelia Robinson: Letters to the Editor are submitted reflection­s from readers of 150 words or less. Letters to the editor should be sent to edletter@ Please include a daytime phone number, full name and the ci


Thank God

The United States has become great again by denying a draft dodger, liar, racist, womanizer, and a wrecking ball a second term as POTUS. The actors responsibl­e for this noble act are Biden/Harris and 75+ million decent Americans. Now the task is to unite all Americans regardless of political affiliatio­n, race, religion... God has indeed saved the USA.

Democrats Would

Have Done Same Thing

Regarding “Top court’s reputation ‘in tatters’ after Barrett affair” Steven Conn Nov. 5: Mr. Conn called the Senate hearings on Judge Amy Coney Barrett, which led to her being appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court, “a kangaroo court.” In his argument convenient­ly leaves out important details to make his case more convincing. The most important is the fact that everything was 100% legal and done by Senate rules. Also, Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg could also have resigned in the middle of President Obama’s term since she was in poor health allowing him to appoint a nominee. Given the chance, the Democrats would have absolutely done the same thing. One only has to remember how they not only tried to stop the appointmen­t of Judge Kavanaugh, but tried to destroy a good man’s life by accusing him of (attempted rape) with no evidence a crime occurred.

Trump Had A Chance And Blew It

Regarding “Give Biden what too few gave Trump: Chance to lead” Tuesday, Nov. 10 by Gary Abernathy: I agree every president should be given the opportunit­y to succeed. But Mr. Abernathy’s argument that Trump was denied his chance to lead, just rings poorly. Trump brought on much of his “treatment,” through his irreverent behavior. If he wasn’t fighting or insulting someone, he generated and created a conflict so that he could. It’s his nature to draw in conflict.

He had both houses of Congress behind him for two years and still couldn’t advance his agenda.

Trump has had plenty of support to succeed. The American public twice rebuked him: once via the mid term election and again in this election.

Additional­ly, we should remember what Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Republican majority leader, said in reference to working with President Obama after the GOP regained senate majority: his job was to make Obama a one term president. Not much acknowledg­ment of giving anyone a chance there! With the Republican­s’ history of cooperatio­n like that, it’s no wonder many gave President Trump a hard time, which he drank in and amplified to create the chaos over the last 4 years.

Abernathy’s objective is to break through the grid lock and get everyone on Mr. Biden’s side, but McConnell is still in the senate, and will still be the GOP leader. His goal of making Obama a one term president failed, his mission to stop a Democratic president’s agenda continues.

Mayor Playing Partisan Games

People in the Miami Valley are extremely tired of partisan politics. Even before we finished the election season, Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley was playing politics with the next one. Dayton and our region deserve better than this type of negative leadership and blame game.

Instead of attacking Sen. Rob Portman for doing his job, Whaley should be working with him to tackle the real problems Daytonians face and staying focused on solutions and not partisan attacks. Dayton has one of the highest poverty rates in the country, one of the largest food deserts in the region, and is one of the hardest-hit cities in the opioid epidemic.

Portman has led the fight to stop drugs from coming into our community, providing record funding for treatment and searching for solutions to address the region’s issues. Whaley should be working with Portman not launching partisan attacks against him and playing politics more than two years away from the next election.


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