Dayton Daily News

Readers react to veto of public health limits


Gov. MikeDeWine­vetoeda bill lastweek thatwould have limited the power of public health orders. It’s unclear if both legislativ­e chambers have the votes needed to override his veto.

Senate Bill 311 called for curtailing the Ohio Department ofHealth’s authority to order quarantine and isolation as ameans of containing the spread of infectious diseases. Itwould have blocked ODHfromiss­uing statewide quarantine orders for peoplewho aren’t ill or haven’t been directly exposed to an infectious disease. It would also have given lawmakers the ability to rescind state public health orders.

“Having essential strategies to protect the public against the spread of infectious, contagious disease is not only important in our efforts to eradicate COVID19, but it is also necessary to help stop the spread of all infectious diseases and prevent future health crises in Ohio,” DeWine said in his veto message.

There were hundreds of reactions to the story on our Facebookpa­ge. Here’s a sampling of readers’ comments reflecting both sides of the debate, some of which have beenedited­for length or clarity.


■ Marcus D. Bailey: “I assume all the naysayers also get a prescripti­on from their doctor, throwit in the trash, and call their local state representa­tive for better advice since they want to disregard the Ohio Department of Health’s authority and make everything in life about an (R) or a (D).

■ Michael Alter: “What is wrongwith these idiots in the state Senate. It’s like they don’t care if people get sick and die. They should all be voted out of office.”

■ AnneWachs:“So you want to limit health experts from providing direction to keep from getting sick and passing disease, and give that power to non-experts like the state legislatur­e?

Cool, cool, cool, cool.”

■ Kathie Ulsh Riddle:

“Why does everyone hate what he asks? I live in Darke Country. Our hospital is constantly got cars lined up for (testing). I knowpeople who have died fromCOVID. What is this governor doing so wrong besides caring about people?”

■ Astrid Mills:“Gov. DeWine is doing a great job andwill stand his ground.”

■ Joe AliceAnder­son:

“Good results froma Cedarville upbringing.”

■ Clark Brinnon:“Come on, we are all in this together. With all due respect, be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem.”

■ Leslie Brumley-Scott:

“Good. Glad he vetoed it. Nowit’s time to vote out these idiots in the state legislatur­e.”

■ Raymond Roy:“We all have the right to pursue happiness, as long as it doesn’t infringe on others. That’s the reason there’s no more smoking in airplanes and restaurant­s.”

■ MaryGiltna­neTaylor: “The U.S. is losing the same number of people lost on 9/ 11 every day. Only now the terrorists causing it are people who think it’s the sniffles.”


■ Gerald Cottrill:“The governor should have powers in an emergency to direct action as necessary. However, that should be limited in duration. Now thatwe are nine (or more) months into this, his actions and the actions of the health department need to be held in check by the other houses of government.”

■ Darlene Smart:“Since when is it ever been OK for your government to tell you about your health and regulate your health? Wake up and see the bigger picture— it’s about control and fear!”

■ Matt Schmidt:

“DeWine isn’t a health expert.”

■ David Kennett:

“Override the dictator.”

■ JasonWrigh­t:“Do you understand that other lives are at stake? I’m not talking about from the virus. People are being quarantine­d and losing their jobs, businesses, etc., while politician­s sit there and watch with no federal help!”

■ ErikWatson:“A politician vetoes a bill that would limit his power?

Hmm, ya don’t say.”

■ Larry Staats: “Start impeachmen­t hearings now.”

■ Paula Whitaker Vincent:“I propose that, as adults, we canmake our own decisions. If I’m afraid, I stay home. If I’m comfortabl­e about where I’m going, I go. I social distance so as not to invade anyone’s space and I certainly don’t need some overpaid politician applying socialist control tactics to makemy decisions forme. We are losing our rights— one little right at a time. I don’t knowabout you but that concerns me a lot ... I try very hard to be considerat­e of others. Iwear a mask when I walk into a store, I social distance around strangers. But I don’t need to be told howmany people I can have inmy own home for Thanksgivi­ng or Christmas. That’s overreach and it seems to be gettingwor­se, not better. It appears it’s more about control than anything else.”

 ?? AP ?? Gov. Mike DeWine’s veto of a bill to limit the power of public health orders has elicited some strong opinions.
AP Gov. Mike DeWine’s veto of a bill to limit the power of public health orders has elicited some strong opinions.

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