Dayton Daily News

Republican­s on committee block inaugural resolution

- ByBillyHou­se

Republican­s on the congressio­nal panel planning inaugurati­on ceremonies blocked a resolution stating that they were preparing for the swearing-in of President-elect Joe Biden, as President Donald Trump’s continues his bitter battle over the election result.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Sen. Roy Blunt and House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy voted against the resolution in the six-member committee, which is evenly split between the two parties, infuriatin­g the panel’s Democratic members.

“The extent to which Republican­s are refusing to accept the outcome of the election and recognize Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as our next president and vice president is astounding,” HouseMajor­ity Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland said. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and SenatorAmy Klobuchar of Minnesota are the committee’s other Democrats.

The Joint Congressio­nal Committee on Inaugurati­on Ceremonies plans the offifficia­l ceremonies for the swearing-in of the president every four years. This year, Trump is refusing to concede his loss in the November election, claimingwi­thout evidence that the vote was rigged.

Blunt, the committee’s chairman, dismissed Hoyer’s complaint, saying, “It is not the job of the Joint Congressio­nal Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies to get ahead of the electoral process and decide who we are inaugurati­ng.”

Almost all of the legal challenges brought by Trump’s campaign have been rejected by courts, and all of the battlegrou­nd states where Trump tried to contest the results have certififie­d their presidenti­al election tallies and appointed their electors for Biden, giving him more than the 270 Electoral College votes needed to claim the presidency.

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