Dayton Daily News

On critical race theory, vaccines and Jan. 6


Critical race theory: This letter is in response to a story in the July 27 edition of the Dayton Daily News with the headline, “Springboro Schools: District releases statement on critical race theory.”

I am disappoint­ed and alarmed by the proposed position adopted by the Springboro school system to avoid or eliminate any vestige of truth in teaching the sordid history of slavery and racial discrimina­tion and violence in this country. This is historical whitewashi­ng at its very worst. Truth be told, right until well into the 1960s, this country had racial apartheid no different than the worst of South Africa. You cannot white wash away segregatio­n or the relentless discrimina­tion against Black people and other minorities of every shade and orientatio­n.

The K-9 and water cannon attacks upon Black people, even the unimaginab­ly grotesque and barbaric lynching murders — these are all out there for the world to see. With this ill-conceived proclamati­on, in tune with the deeply bigoted and hateful MAGA movement, Springboro, if adopted/approved by the board of education, will take a big step back to the dark ages.

I would like everyone concerned about whitewashe­d school curricula for young children to extend voices of protest against this march towards darkness.


Vexed nation: Iam writing in regards to required vaccinatio­ns at the government level.

On Memorial Day, we traditiona­lly remember many of those who, in times past, have taken a bullet to defend our freedoms. Now we have to take a shot in the arm in order to keep them. That it is necessary to legislate a bill for the purpose of prohibitin­g mandatory vaccinatio­ns is a sad, albeit, not surprising, commentary on the state of our nation. Since we have turned our backs on God and have departed from Judeo-Christian values on which our country was founded, education has been replaced by indoctrina­tion.

In our society, we may be pro-“choice” to kill our babies but have no choice in regards to personal health issues and government, and mass media have turned our “sweet land of liberty” into a waste land of liberalism.

Unless we the people want to continue to waste away, we had better sober up or else not only will we be paying homage to those who have died to preserve our liberty, but we will also be grieving the loss of the freedoms they died for. SUNNY CORNETT, DAYTON

Rep. Turner should support Jan. 6 investigat­ion: I have emailed and telephoned Rep. Mike Turner to urge him to join the House investigat­ion into the events of Jan. 6. His voting record as a Republican is impeccable, yet he has been able to express his dismay at the violent assault on the Capitol building. I trust him to ask “the questions that need to be asked” about Jan. 6.

I do not trust representa­tives who have already declared their opposition to this fact-finding investigat­ion to do so, as some of Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s nominees have done. I believe Turner’s constituen­ts who have served or are serving in the armed services or in law enforcemen­t have a particular stake in pursuing the truth, but all Americans have a vital interest as well. I call on Turner to carry out his oath to defend the Constituti­on by joining this committee to help it truly carry out its work.

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