Dayton Daily News

Efforts grow to stamp out use of parasite drug for COVID-19

- By Matthew Perrone

WASHINGTON — Health experts and medical groups are pushing to stamp out the growing use of a decadesold parasite drug to treat COVID-19, warning that it can cause harmful side effects and that there’s little evidence it helps.

With a fourth wave of infections, more Americans are turning to ivermectin, a cheap drug used to kill worms and other parasites in humans and animals.

Federal health officials have seen a surge in prescrip- tions this summer, accompa- nied by worrying increases in reported overdoses. The drug was even been given to inmates at a jail in north- west Arkansas for COVID- 19, despite federal warnings against that use. On Wednesday, podcaster Joe Rogan, who has been dismissive of the COVID-19 vaccine, announced he had tested positive for the virus and was taking the medication.

Ivermectin has been promoted by Republican lawmakers, conservati­ve talk show hosts and some doctors, amplified via social media to millions of Amer- icans who remain resistant to getting vaccinated. It has also been widely used in other countries, including India and Brazil.

Last week, the top U.S. profession­al groups for doctors and pharmacist­s appealed for an “immediate end” to the drug’s use outside of research.

“We are urging physicians, pharmacist­s, and other prescriber­s — trusted healthcare profession­als in their com- munities — to warn patients against the use of ivermectin outside of FDA-approved indication­s and guidance,” said the American Medical Associatio­n and two phar- macist groups.

Large studies are now underway in the U.S. and overseas to determine if the drug has any effect on preventing or blunting COVID-19.

The latest plea follows similar warnings from federal and state regulators who are tracking side effects and hospital admissions tied to the drug.

Louisiana and Washington issued alerts after an uptick in calls to poison control centers. Some animal feed supply stores have run out of the drug because of people buying the veterinary form to try and treat COVID-19.

Ivermectin is approved by the Food and Drug Adminis- tration to treat infections of roundworms and other tiny parasites in humans and ani- mals like cows, horses and dogs. Tablets are used for internal parasites while oint- ments are used to treat head lice and other skin infections. The generic drug works by paralyzing the worms and killing their offspring.

T he FDA has t ried to debunk online claims that animal-strength versions of the drug can help fight COVID-19. “Taking large doses is dangerous and can cause serious harm,” the FDA warned in a public advisory. The drug can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, delirium and even death, said the agency.

“It’s pretty easy to get into toxic levels,” said Dr. David

Boulware, an infectious disease specialist. “All these concentrat­ed doses that are meant for a 2,000 pound horse can certainly get people sick or hospitaliz­ed for toxicity.”

Boulware says he prescribes the drug to patients a few times a year in the U.S. and more routinely when working in countries where intestinal parasites are common. But he and other experts have been alarmed by the explosive growth in U.S. ivermectin prescribin­g.

By mid-August U.S. pharmacies were filling 88,000 weekly prescripti­ons for the medication, a 24-fold increase from pre-COVID levels, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Meanwhile, U.S. poison control centers have seen a five-fold increase in emergency calls related to the drug, with some incidents requiring hospitaliz­ation.

The CDC cited one case of a man who drank an injectable form of ivermectin intended for cattle. He suffered hallucinat­ions, confusion, tremors and other side effects before being hospitaliz­ed for nine days.

The World Health Organizati­on, the National Institutes of Health and other medical experts have also recommende­d against using it outside of carefully controlled patient studies. An NIH panel found “insufficie­nt evidence” for or against the drug for COVID-19, calling for more large, well-designed trials.

The experts noted that early laboratory research showed ivermectin slowed the replicatio­n of coronaviru­s when grown in monkey cells. But such studies are not useful for gauging real-world effectiven­ess in humans. And they noted other research suggesting the drug would need to be given at doses 100 times the standard dose to have antiviral effects in humans.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Packaging and a container of veterinary ivermectin, a cheap drug used to kill worms and other parasites in humans and animals.
ASSOCIATED PRESS Packaging and a container of veterinary ivermectin, a cheap drug used to kill worms and other parasites in humans and animals.

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